A 1Derful Special! :D

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  • Dedicated to Happy 2nd Anniversary Boys! We <3 YOU!

One Direction Special Chapter (Not really apart of the plot of the story...just a little something i put together)

“Happy Anniversary Boys!” Me and Kim sing out as we hold out a picture of a cake to them.

“Erm…thanks?” mumbles Harry as he takes the picture.

“Aw thank you Loves!” cries Louis as he engulfs us in a huge boobear hug

“L-Lou your s-suffocating mehhh” I choke out trying to push him away without any success

“I’m suffocating you with my love! You can’t die from that! Right Kim?”

I’m sure Kim would have sided with me, but she was passed out in Louis’ ‘Grip of Death’

“LOU SHE”S DEAD!” I scream as I wiggle out of his grasp, He holds Kim at arm’s length and slaps here a bit in the head and she doesn’t wake up. Lou drops her and shrugs his shoulders

“Yup she’s dead.”


“Alright, alright! I’ll try and wake her up!” he says as he puts his hands up in surrender. He bends down by Kim and slips his Toms off. He wiggles his toe’s before putting his foot in Kim’s face.

“GAH!!! HOLY SHIT WHO DIED?” Kim yells as she jumps ten feet in the air.

"You did actually."

Lou has a look of triumph on his face and he rubs his hands together like he actually did us a favor- like it wasn’t his fault in the first place!

“I see my job here is done.” He says as he slips his shoes back on.

“Are you okay Kim?” Liam asks as he helps her up

“Yeah, my nose has been raped my Lou’s pungent feet- but I’m alive. Hey where’s Niall?

We all look around and see Niall growing mushrooms on his head in a corner (Growing mushrooms on head= sulking)

“Nialler what’s wrong?” Kim asks as she bends down beside him

“Nothin’” he grumbles as he turns away from Kim

“C’mon tell me!”


“Niall! Tell mehhh!”

“I said no!”

I shake my head at the two of them and I walk to the bathroom. Those two…

In the bathroom I run cold water and splash my face. When I look myself in the mirror I smile

I can’t believe it’s almost been a year since Kim and I met the boys, I’m so glad I hit Harry with a door that day. Thinking back on it- we had some really good times…besides zombies trying to eat us and all.

Knock knock knock

“Who is it?” I ask as I turn off the water and quickly dry my hands.

“It’s me,” Says Harry, “Erm…we kinda need your help.”

I sigh and open the door, “With what?”

“You’ll see.” I can hear the laughter in his voice.

When we get back into the main room it looks like everyone is having so much fun!

And when I say fun, I mean they were miserable.

Liam and Louis were banging their heads against the table while Zayn was knocked out on the couch snoring like a frickin grizzly. Kim and Niall were still going at it and they really look mad, they were using hand signals and everything.

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