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  • Dedicated to Louis "The Tommo" Tomlinson! <3 ya Boobear!

“Holy shit.” I say more to myself then to Harry

He looks at me with a confused look, “Excuse me?”

“Hey Alex who did you hit?” Kim started to say as she came into the hallway

When she saw the answer her face looked exactly like mine, eyes wide and mouth open. (kind of like a porn star’s- wait wut?)

“WHOLY SHIT, YOU HIT HARRY FUCKING STYLES WITH A DOOR!?” she exclaimed way too loud for my liking.

Harry winced at the volume of her voice, but then his eyes settled back on me “Are you okay?”

I continued to stare at him like a fool, it took a couple moments before his words processed through my head, “Oh yeah, totally fine! I’m sorry I hit you I really didn’t mean to. Me and my friend Kim were in a rush-“

“Kim? As in that crazy girl who got carried out at the end of our concert?” He asked as his eyes flicked back from Kim and me.

“Alex!” He yells as he points at me out of nowhere.

“How do you know my name?!” I scream as I wrap my arms around myself, I’m somehow feeling naked in front of him even though all my clothes are still on my person.

“So you are the girls who got carried out!” exclaimed Harry, “Oh the guys just have to meet you! LouLou get over here BooBear! Niall, Zayn, and Liam c’mon! Guys get over here I have some girls you want to meet!”

I peer behind Harry, as I hear footsteps and voices coming from around the corner.

“Chicken mushroom, chicken mushroom, chicken mushroom…” Kim began to chant as she tried to keep her body from shaking, she always did this when she was either having a meltdown, or was too excited. Kind of like Niall with his “CHEESE BURGERS AND JELLY BABIES!”

I couldn’t blame her for freaking out; it’s not every day you have all of One Direction walking straight towards you, without any fans around to interrupt- Or a magical Paul to hold them back.

“Hey Curly who did you want us to meet?” asked Louis as he came to stand beside Harry. He changed out of his concert outfit, and he had on his famous PJs. He looked so fricking adorable.

“Yeah what’s this all about?” Asked Liam as he Niall and Zayn all stared at me and Kim. We probably looked like crack heads waiting to get their next fix by how bad we were shaking.

“Guys, I would like you to meet Kim and Alex.”

Zayn's eyes widened, “You mean the girls with the bullhorn? The one who wants your gravy and the other who’s ‘Whorin’ for Niall Horan’??”

Harry nodded his head while he laughed, “Yup”

“IT’S NICE TO MEET YOU LOVELY LADIES!” Yelled Louis as he lunged forward and locked us both in a huge hug. I swear if I wasn’t so determined to stay calm, I would have died right then and there.

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