Yo check it sonn (Author's note)

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Hey my lovely chocolate cows.

It is I, the wonderful wizard of oz.

Lol you snazzy crackers thought I was updating- Gotcha.

But this is in reference to the Sequel of this book.

I am here to tell you the title of the sequel. So can I get a drumroll? *drumroll*

It’s called “Still Running In ONE DIRECTION…From Zombies!?”

It’s basically the original title with another word thrown in :/ ( I mean if you have something better please feel free to comment below)

Anyway I will not upload the sequel for a LONG while because I’m getting ready for AP exams (blegh mah life) So stahp with the updatesssss! (I would update if I could) Also I need a cover…. (hmmm maybe a cover contest? If interested message me. You get dedications, shout outs, golden monkeys- wait that last one was a lie.)

But I always have time for blogging and since none of you salty rascals ever reply to my message board messages (or whatever the hell they are called) I shall post it on here.

I want to have more tumblr friends (since I’m actually getting into blogging and crap) so comment your URLs below and I will follow you (I mean you can follow back if you like *cough*) I’m cool with all fandoms so it doesn’t matter what your blog is for- I just want to get to know my followers better. (Because I luff yew)

Oh also in my first author’s note I said if you comment a character I will put it in the sequel- but a majority of you guys wanted to be put with the boys. In the story all the boys already have their girlfriends (Danni, El, ect.) so Niall and Harry were the only single ones but they are taken. So if I don’t use your character it’s because you wanted to be with the boys and basically do nothing else :/ (I would like to thank the people who made their characters zombies- you guys are awesome sauce)

Anyway I’m going to go and attempt to write an essay- LIKE A BASE GOD

Ok bye.

P.S. I was planning on giving away my other wattpad account @DiReCtIoNeR_MaDnEsS (it has like 100 followers) so comment if interested.(hmm or maybe a co-owner idk) if a lot of you guys want it maybe I can have a contest or some crap.

Running in ONE DIRECTION...From Zombies!?Where stories live. Discover now