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  • Dedicated to Harry Styles, the boy I can only dream of having.

“So what do we do with it?” Asks Niall who keeps tantalizing the zombie my putting his hand on the window, while the zombie tries to eat it from the other side.

“Stop that Niall, I don’t need any more zombie saliva on my damn car.”

He pulls his hand back and looks at me sheepishly, “Sorry.”

Damn he is just to fricking cute, I sigh “It’s fine.”

“So how do we get it out?” asks Louis whose hair is sticking up from laying down.

“How about we use this?” says Zayn who is holding up a baseball bat

“Where did you get that from?”   I ask as I give him a weird look.

“uh…Dick’s Sporting Goods…” Reads Zayn from the bottom of his bat

“NOT THE STORE SMART-ASS! Where, like under a car or on the curb?”

“No I’m serious, Dick’s Sporting Goods.” Repeats Zayn as he points to a Dick’s Sporting Goods right across the street.

Well damn, look at our luck.

“When did you have time to go in there?” asks Liam

“While you guys were talking.”

“uh…ok.” I say, even though we were only talking for 2 minutes. But Zayn is a ninja, so I guess he can do weird stuff like that.

“Ok give me the bat.” Says Harry as he reaches his hand out to get it but I smack it away.

“No! I will not let you go anywhere near that zombie! Zayn give me the bat, I will get rid of it.”

“No! Why would I let you do it? That makes me feel like a punk!” Yells Harry as he tries to grab the bat from Zayn, I hit his hand away again.

“Ow! Will you stop doing that!?” Yells Harry as he glares at me angrily.

“I said no! I will not risk you getting bitten!” I yell back while snatching the bat from Zayn.

“But you would risk yourself!? How the hell does that make since!?” Screams Harry

“It makes since because I’m in love with you” I think to myself.

Instead of arguing with Harry- because we can go at it all day- I click unlock on my car starter, “Everyone stand back.”

“Alex, let me-“

“Harry, let her do it.” Whispers Kim quietly as she rests her hand on his shoulder.

I look at Kim and give her a sad smile. In that moment when our eyes met we had a best friend connection, we had an understanding. She would never let Niall do it either, so she knows why I won’t let Harry do it.

Harry looks at me with frustrated eyes before he shrugs Kim off, “Fine! Whatever, but if you get bitten don’t come crying to me!” and with that he stalks off.

“I’ll go talk to him.” says Louis before he gives me an apologizing look and takes off after Harry.

“So I guess we will be your back up.” Says Liam, breaking the awkward silence

I smile at him, “That would be great.”

I look back at my trunk and see the zombie still trying to chew the window to get to us. I walk to Dusty and put my hand on the Trunk handle.

“So on the count of three I will open the trunk, I want everyone to back up so I can have room when I swing.”

Everyone nods their head.

Running in ONE DIRECTION...From Zombies!?Where stories live. Discover now