Just shut up and DRIVE!

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WARNING: The following Fanfiction may contain extreme Fangirling, Grammer Mistakes (cause the author is lazy), Weirdness, and ONE DIRECTION- Enjoy! :D

“Get out!”

“Get out!”



Kim looks at me and winks, “BUT YOU’VE GOT THAT, ONE THING!”

Kim; my best friend, and I have been blasting one direction this whole week in preparation for the concert. Actually we have been blasting their music since we found out they were finally coming to America. But since it’s the day of the concert, we have been blasting it more than usual.

“Ohmigoodness I can’t believe in two hours we will be just feet away from the boys!” Gushes Kim as she struggles to pin her “1D 4eva” button on her “Vas Happenin’” shirt. We went all out and bought 1D jackets and hats, and even socks! We were die hard Directioners and we were not afraid to show it.

“I mean, we will be like right there, like they’re going to be only yards away! Ohmigod blah blah blah…”

I started to tune Kim out, I usually tune her out when she starts to babble like a twat, and she babbles a lot.

My best friend is a Babbling One Direction obsessed twat.

But I love her- well sometimes…

“Yo, Alex. Alex.Alex.Alex.Alex.Alex. Hey Alex. ALEX!” yells Kim as she frantically waves her perfectly manicured Niall Horan nails in front of my face.

Snapping to attention I look at Kim with a look that say’s “What the hell do you want?”

She just frowns at me, “Don’t give me that look you garden tool!, we need to leave in twenty minutes and all you have on is your 1D bra and boy shorts.”

I look down, look back at her, and then back down, “Im not a hoe! Also I look good in them…”

“You do you conceited monger, and I’m sure the boys would totally willing give you their gravy if they saw you like that- or well Harry definitely would.”

Ahh Harry Styles, yeah I know a lot of girls prefer harry because of his looks, or his voice- I mean which I get cause he’s got the whole shebang (all the boys do)- but I love him for a totally different reason. I mean I love all of the boys, but Harry struck a chord with me.

“Stop admiring your smexi body and hurry up and get dressed! I’ll be down stairs watching TV until you’re ready to go. I DON’T WANT TO BE LATE TO SEE MY SEXY LEPERCAUHN!”

I stick my tongue out at her and grab my outfit from off my bed and head to the bathroom.

Shut the door, turn the light off

I wanna be with you I wanna feel your love
I wanna lay beside you
I cannot hide this even though I try

I softly sing along to ‘Moments’ which is my favorite song in the entire universe. The first time I heard it I didn’t even realize I was crying until Kim was wiping the tears from my face, this was the song that made me fall even more head over heels with the boys.

Heart beats harder
Time escapes me
Trembling hands touch skin
It makes this hard girl
And the tears stream down my face


I sway along to the music as I pull on my “Harry Harry Give Me Your Gravy!” t-Shirt that Kim made for me. It’s amazing what that girl can do with some determination and a $50 Michaels gift card.

I quickly pull on my red skinny jeans and I slap on my “1D-4-ME” button and throw my 'buy stuff' bag over my shoulder, I look at myself in the mirror and nod my head.

I’m so ready.

I grab my fanny pack- cause I’m cool like that!- buckle it around my waist and I rush down the stairs expecting Kim to be ready to claw my eyes out for taking so long, but I was surprised to see her sitting on the coach with her eyes glued to the TV.

Well I’m not surprised she was watching TV

I was surprised because she was watching the News.


“Reports came in today that a thirty year old man was shot and killed by the police this morning after the police repeatedly told him to stand down. The man killed his wife and 13 year-old son earlier this morning- Multiple bite marks on their skin and their intestines ripped out of their bodies. “


“Ew, what are you watching? It sounds gross.” I say as I walk over and sit on the armrest of the couch.

“I have no flipping clue; it’s about this cannibal man or whatever.”

I look back to the TV and listen to what else the news lady has to say,

This isn’t the first report of cannibalism; we have had dozens of reports coming in all week-“


“Hey!” I exclaim as I stare at the blank screen then turn to glare at Kim who is holding the remote, “I was watching that!”

“Yeah well I’m not, I’m supposed to be in a super hyped mood and hearing about cannibals isn’t helping, plus we need to bounce.”

“Who’s says bounce anymore?”

“This sexy beast right here, that’s who, now shut up and grab the keys.”

Ever since my dad bought me my ford explorer, Kim has been making me drive everywhere. She may be older than me, but her parents don’t trust her with a car yet. I can’t blame them, Kim’s one crazy b-


"Blast!  I forgot my lucky charm bracelet!" whines Kim as she frantically looks through her purse.

"You wanna go get it??" I ask as I stick the keys into the ignition.

I see the longing in her face, it’s her favorite bracelet because it has a whole bunch of Irish charms on it- if you haven’t noticed, Kim is infatuated with Niall. But who could blame her? Nialler is hot! With a side of Nandos.

I put my hand on the shift and look at Kim, still waiting for her answer.

"No, just forget it. We’re going to be late."

"If you say so, you better not be all mopey."

"I’m not going to be mopey, so shut up and drive. I wanna get there before the place gets too packed.”

"Shut up and Drive,Drive, Drive, Drive! Just shut up and Drive!" I sing as i buckle up, safety first Kiddies!

"STOP SINGING AND DRIVE!" yells kim as she flails her arms

geez she is so demanding...

"Whatever you say Mrs.GumpyKins, lets get this show on the road!"

SO did you guys enjoy this first little chappie? I hope so because i had fun writing it! Anyway I made this story because i was bored and I was craving my sexy British-Irish boys! Comment if you like, Vote if you want, and FAN IF YOU HAVE NOT!

Nandos,Pussycats,Forks,Carots, and mirrors


Running in ONE DIRECTION...From Zombies!?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant