Chapter 16

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16...omg...sweet 16... XD Well, I guess you could say that ^_^ haha :) And thx to all the people who commented and fanned and voted, This story's now #2 on the whats hot list!!! :DDDDD Isn't that amazing?!?!?!? haha :) And its all thx to you guys! *HUGS* anyways, remember to vote for luke or shunn, and btw, I'm changing the chapter to 18. Which means when I post chapter 18, I will take votes for luke or shunn for exactly 48 hours, and then voting is closed XD Then I'll tally them up and post the results either in the next chapter or in a separate message :)


Mira's POV


I looked up into the familiar purple eyes.

Only through his glasses.

He smiled at me.

"I'm sorry, lady. I think you have it wrong. I'm not Shunn."

My head not tilted in confusion, I stared at him. He raised one eyebrow, staring back.

"You're not Shunn?"

He nodded his head. "That would be correct."

"Then who are you?"

"Oh." He stuck out his hand for me to shake, "I'm Ethan."

"You're lying!" I spat, "Why would you lie? You look exactly like Shunn!"

He looked at me in bewilderment. I saw another complicated emotion flash through his eyes, but I couldn't tell what it was.

He lowered his head.

"I'm not Shunn." He mumbled.

As if losing Shunn weren't enough, now God decided to play a cruel joke on me. He wasn't Shunn...he wasn't Shunn...

A single tear dripped down my cheek, down my neck, hopelessly soaked up by my cardigan.

"Ethan..." I looked at him again. That person who was the split image of Shunn...

"You know where he is, don't you! You know where he is!" I suddenly walked up to him.

"I'm sorry." Ethan looked down at me, "I don't know."

Looking up at him, I realized how similar they really were. Even their heights were exactly the same.

"Do you have a twin?" I asked.

"No." He grinned, "But I do have a wolf."

As he spoke, I suddenly felt something huge pounce on me from behind.

With a scream, I blacked out.

"Mira..." I heard a soft voice sound next to my head. Where was I?

"Luke?" I saw his grey eyes come into view.

"Where's..." Shunn.

He sat, looking at me, waiting.

I smiled and shook my head.

Looking around, I noticed I was in my room again.


I guess it was just a dream...

I lay back on my pillow and sighed.

"Hey, Mira?" Luke swept a strand of hair back behind my ear.

"Yeah?" I answered, thinking.

"We're going back tomorrow."

"What?" Now he had my full attention.

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