Chapter 7

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YYAAYYYY! haha :) Thx so much to the people who fanned and commented, as well as voted! :D OMG, My brother's best friend got me pregnant is now #73 on the whats hot list! :D Hehe :) I wasn't planning to upload today since I got back late, but I guess i will ^_^


Luke's POV

"Who are you?"

I froze, my heart turning icy cold.

"What do you mean?" I laughed nervously, hoping she was kidding, "I'm Luke. The...your brother's best friend." The love of your life. And you were the love of mine.

"I'm sorry..." she stated simply, her eyes big and clear without any sign of recognition, "I don't know you."

"Do you know Luke?"

"I...I don't know a Luke. Sorry, but could you contact my parents? They just got back from Brazil. Oh, and my sister, Lucille. I really want to see her." she said thoughtfully.


"I'll be right back..." I stood up, letting go of her hand and I walked out the door. The doctors could fix this. They would definitely be able to.

"Is she ok?" Dan caught up to me.

"I think she lost her memory." I said slowly, hoping it wouldn't come as too much of a shock.

"WHAT?!?!?" Well, I guess that didn't work, "You go get the doctor. I'm going to go see if she's ok." He said and rushed off in the opposite direction.

Pretty soon, I brought 2 or 3 doctors in her room and they crowded beside her bed.

Mira's POV

Whoa. What were all these old people doing next to my bed? And why was I in the hospital? Was I hurt?

Looking around, I saw the guy who sat beside me earlier. But my view was quickly blocked by several white coats.

"What's your name?" A kind looking doctor asked me.

"Mira Slone."

They all seemed to release the breath they were holding.

"Who's in your family?"

"My mom and dad, my twin sister, Lucille, and Dan, my brother."

Luke had filled them in on the information earlier, so the doctors looked at eachother.

"Did anyone in your family die?"

" grandparents died...but no one else. Why? Did someone die?!?" I asked, panicking.

"No, no no. Everyone's fine. How old are you?"

"I'm 10. Can't you tell from your doctor reports?"

I heard a gasp of shock, and turned around to meet grey eyes. Too bad he was so old. Or else I would definitely go after him. The doctors suddenly started asking questions again.

"Do you remember what Dan looks like?"

"Duh. He's my brother! He has blonde hair and blue eyes. He sort of looks like that dude." I pointed to the person standing next to the guy with grey eyes, "Only he's much skinnier and he doesn't have any muscle." I giggled to myself. He would probably kill me if he knew I was talking about him like this.

After a barrage of questions, my head started pounding, and I lay down, unwilling to answer anymore questions.

Luke's POV

"So how serious is this? When is she going to recover her memory?" I hissed, making the doctors jump a little. I couldn't believe she forgot me!

"Well..." One doctor pushed up his glasses and said, "We think she's chosen to forget her memories. It probably wasn't forced, and she didn't seem like she was hypnotized. She remembered everything just fine, but she doesn't seem to have any memories beyond 10 years old. Do you know what happened when she was 10?"

My hands shaking, I whispered, "I appeared in her life."

The doctor nodded and continued. "She's had a shock recently, that's for sure. She probably chose to forget all her memories past the age of 10 because they were too painful for her. So she's decided to remain 10."

"What about me?" Dan interrupted, "She remembers my appearance when I was 12! What will I do now?"

The doctor shook his head sadly. "Maybe if you brought her back home and showed her some familiar things, she'll regain her memory. But don't push her too hard." Leaving Dan and I in shock, they walked away.

Dan suddenly snapped and barged into Mira's room.

"Do you know who I am?" He barked harshly.

"No..." Mira scooted away from him, her eyes wide.

"Look at me!" he grabbed her shoulders and forced her to look at his face, "I'm your brother! Dan! Don't you remember me?!?"

Mira yelped, and I reached over and grabbed Dan's shoulder.

"Stop it,Dan. You're hurting her."

Like he just woke up from his reverie, he let go and stood back, his shoulders drooping.

Mira relaxed a little and said, "There's no way you're my brother. My brother's only 12. He's not this old."

Mira's POV

I looked at him. Seriously? This guy had some serious problems. Sure, he looked a bit like Dan, but he was waaayy too old.

"Look in the mirror." he rasped, his shoulders shaking.

"I don't know what you're getting so worked up about. I don't need to. It's not like I've got some terminal ill..." I gasped, looking at myself in the mirror. Was

The staring back at me had long wavy hair, whereas I always kept mine short. She was skinny, while I was slightly on the chubby side. And she had BOOBS!

Looking from the mirror to the guy who claimed to be my brother back to the mirror, I sat there, speechless.

"How old am I?" I whispered, still not believing that was really me.

"You're...16..." the guy with the blue eyes hesitated, looking at me carefully, waiting for my reaction.

I'm 16? I'm 16?! I'm 16! How was this possible? I didn't remember anything...I just woke up from my nap and now I was 16? Definitely a dream, I thought to myself, pinching my arm.

Ouch. I rubbed my arm. That hurt. But that meant...this wasn't a dream?! But what happened to my memories then?!? Why couldn't I remember anything?! I tried to think of anything that happened, when suddenly, I felt a huge pain tearing up my skull.

"Aahhh!" I couldn't stop myself from screaming, holding my head, trying to make the pain go away. I thought I heard two voices shouting at me, but I couldn't think. I could only cry, begging the pain to stop.

What was happening to me?!?

Sorry about all the different povs...I didn't really know how to tell the story from just one, and I'm more used to writing in third person, so there's usually not this problem XD haha :) anyways, hope it isn't too confusing...

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