Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 is totally up! XD Just went to a singing contest, it was kinda depressing, but omg. I swear I found JJ lin's twin. If you don't know who he is? Don't worry about it XD pretty cool chinese singer :) but JAY CHOU'S BETTER! WHOOT! XD haha :) enough about me, on with the story!


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Taking a deep breath, I parked my car in the parking lot, my heart beating erratically. I didn't care what everyone else thought. They weren't even a part of my life. I only cared what Stacey, Dan, and Luke thought. Sure, other peoples' opinions would hurt, but they wouldn't hurt as much.

Steeling myself for the onslaught of stares I knew would come, I slowly opened my car door and looked around. Everything was as normal and no one was staring. What? Confused, I walked toward school. Everyone ignored me, like always. Stacey came to greet me at my locker, like always. Dan came and told me everything I shouldn't do or else he would get our parents to send me to an all girls boarding school, like always. So...Kate (Dan's girlfriend) didn't tell anyone?!? Why would she say that then...I slowly walked towards class, deep in thought.

"Ow...sorry." I bumped into a wall, and apologizing, looked up. Right into silvery grey eyes. His eyes sparkling, he laughed.

"You still have the bad habit of not watching where you're going....are you ok?" But I could tell his laugh was forced. He stared at me, and I could see the real question in his eyes. Are we ok?

Looking up into his eyes, I was about to tell and that no, we weren't ok and we would never be, but I couldn't.

I just laughed and shrugged it off, brushing past him.

"Wait...Mira..." he grabbed my arm, his warmth searing into my arm.

Luke's POV

"Wait...Mira..." I opened my mouth, wanting to tell her, let's go back to the way we were. I liked seeing her laugh, her smile, everything about her. I started to hesitate. Did I really still love Lucille? Or did time really let our memories fade away? I thought back. I had always loved both of their smiles. Lucille's smile had given me peace, but Mira's...had made me nervous. It had made me want to get closer to her yet stay away from her at the same time. But when Lucille asked me, with shining eyes, if I loved her, I said yes without hesitation.

Maybe...just maybe...had I really loved Mira?

My head spinning with thoughts, I felt Mira tug her arm out of mine and walk to class.

"Wait!" I went after her, wanting to tell her my feelings. But she already disappeared. I guess I would have to wait until after school then...I smiled to myself. I couldn't wait.

"Haha...everyone? I have neewwssssss!!" Ugh. The announcements came on the student council president, a.k.a the annoying Kate, came on. "We're having an assembly in the gym because I have something special to tell everyone! I bet everyone would just LOVE to hear this." she cackled and I rolled my eyes, heading toward the gym.

Mira's POV


No no no no no.

She wouldn't. Just when I thought I was safe, she stole my security. She would tell...

Heading toward the gym, I felt a tug on my arm. Stacey. Wrapping my arm around hers, I wanted to take some strength from her. So badly. To face what was coming. But we got called back halfway by our teacher, telling us we forgot our bags in her classroom. Quickly turning back, we stuffed them in our lockers and headed toward the gym.

Toward my doom.

"Mira Slone killed her twin. Ya'll remember Lucille, right? Sweet kid. Too bad she died in the 'car accident'. Well she didn't. Ta da! Mira made sure she died by pushing her against the other side of the car when the truck came. She was jealous because Luke loved Lucille, so she wanted her out of the way. sweet, right? NOT." I walked in and froze. I saw so many faces, some frightened, some angry, some even hateful. And I knew she had told. Looking up on stage, Kate had a smirk on her face, telling me plain and simple, I told you I would tell. Only Stacey's hand remained in mine. Turning, I saw her eyes full of confidence. She believed me. Then Dan and Luke would definitely believe me.

I looked around, searching for Dan's and Luke's faces. They stood together, their faces twisted with anger, and my heart dropped.

"I didn't kill her. She was trying to protect me and I..." I ran toward them, trying to explain. But their faces didn't change. I stopped where I was. They would rather believe Kate over me. What use was there to try to explain?

"I can't believe you, Mira." Dan said softly. But each word stabbed a knife in my heart until I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"And I thought I loved you! Even if she was trying to protect you, you should've protected her! You're older!" Luke's face was red with anger.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see the truck coming, if I did I..." trying to explain, I walked closer, but he pushed me down.

"Don't talk to me."

My eyes full of tears, I ran.

For the next week, I stayed at home, hiding away from Dan, from everyone. Our parents weren't home, and I didn't go to school, locking myself in my room. I knew Dan wouldn't want to see me. But sometimes I heard his footsteps outside my room, stopping for a few seconds, then continue moving forward to his room.

By the end of the week, I nearly went crazy. My heart was constantly throbbing and I cried constantly. I cried myself to sleep every night, my dreams filled with Luke and Dan's rejection. Getting up, I threw the bottle of whisky at the wall, hearing it smash to pieces. I never drank...not until this week. Sitting on the floor, I looked at the broken pieces of glass, and I got up, walking toward them.

I didn't want to live with this pain anymore. I didn't want to feel unloved, uncared for...I didn't want to have the closest people in my life look at me with hatred in their eyes. I didn't want to be hated. They would stop hating me if I died, right? They would...I know it. If I died, then they would forgive me, right? They wouldn't hate me anymore...and I could be with Lucille. Lucille...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry...I couldn't protect you...

But if I went to heaven with you right now, then I could protect you from now on, right? I know you would forgive're so kind.. you will, I know it. Lucille, wait for me. Your big sister will protect you from now on.

I picked up a piece of glass and slit it toward my wrist.

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