Chapter 39: The Proposal of a Lifetime

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Song: Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran



Sometimes date night doesn't involve eating at a nice restaurant or going to the movies.

No, sometimes it's much more simpler than that.

Sometimes it just involves the couch, my date, a bucket of popcorn, and a movie that we put on. The popcorn has gone uneaten and the sound of the TV is nothing more than a quiet echo in our minds, though.


Because we currently are more involved in each other than the movie or the popcorn.

Ace's arms are around me, and one of his hands stokes my hair. I sit almost on his lap, my head resting against his shoulder.

Though we're both staring at the TV, we aren't paying any attention to it. I stare at it like a mindless zombie. My thoughts currently chant: "Ace. Ace. Ace. Ace. Ace. Ace."

Ace is the only thing - er, person on my mind.

I steal a glance at Ace's face, his eyes are blank as he stares at the TV too. I'm guessing his mind is chanting "Dakota. Dakota. Dakota. Dakota. Dakota. Dakota."

I drum my fingers on his thigh, mindlessly tapping away when Ace's hand engulfs my hand that's tapping him. He moves his hand to my chin and gently tilts my head to look him in the eyes. "Restless, are we?"

"Mhm." I reply.

"I can fix that." He drawls, his voice low and husky.

I don't have a chance to question what he meant when he suddenly brings our lips together in a kiss. He nibbles on my bottom lip for a moment before kissing me passionately. 

He holds my hands as he kisses me, the warmth of his body radiates onto mine. My heart flutters as the kiss deepens.

"Better?" Ace asks with a knowing smile as he pulls away.

I laugh. "No, that made me even more restless."

Ace thinks for a moment. "Hmmm you know what I just thought of?" He asks.


"I thought of a new pet name for you."

"Go on." I say, taking a sip from my root beer.

"Illegal drug."

I choke. "What?"

Most pet names are cute or innocent. Baby, sugar, angel, pumpkin, cupcake, sunshine, etc. And here is Ace wanting my pet name to be illegal drug. Only Ace.

"Illegal drug," Ace says, simply shrugging, "You're like an illegal drug I can't get enough of."

"I'm sorry, but you are not going to me that. That's.....weird."

"Maybe for you, but not for me." He says, smiling like an idiot.

"You're not calling me that."

"You're no fun."

I scoff. "What girl, or any person in their right mind would want to be called illegal drug?"

"Fine. Would legal drug be better?"

"No! A lot of drugs are bad why would I want my pet name to be something bad?"

"'re my drug that I'm addicted to." Ace replies in a 'duh' tone.

I roll my eyes. "Fine. But you can only call me that in private. In public it could be a disaster and people could misunderstand the usage. I wouldn't be surprised if people thought that we actually have illegal drugs."

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