Chapter 14: Time for Change

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Song: River by Bishop Briggs

Thank you dimovadimi for this song suggestion! :)



Ever have nights where you just lie in your bed, begging for sleep to take you? Time seems to pass, but the more tired you get, the more restless you seem.

Well tonight is one of those nights.

My conscience keeps haunting me, telling me that I just took a life.

But I keep arguing back that he deserved it. He got what as coming to him.

But that doesn't satisfy my conscience, and when I finally do fall asleep, I am terrorized by nightmares.

"The tables are turned, how does it feel?" 

The cold voice of my dad echos through the darkness. I am chained to the wall, bloodied and beaten.

When I do finally look up I meet the dark eyes of my dad. In his hand is a handgun, which he slowly points at me. 

"You are the one in the cell, bound by chains. How does it feel to be on the other end of the pistol? How does it feel to look Death in the eyes?" He scoffs.

"D-dad plea-"

"Don't call me that! I am not your father! You got what is coming to you."

He clicks the safety off, and my life is sealed.

"See you in Hell, slut."

I choked screams rips from my lungs as I jolt awake. The sound of the gun going off seems to boom in my ears, and I hug my knees tightly to my shivering body.

It was just a dream.

It was just a dream.

The door opens, and in steps Ace. I'm emotionally naked in front of him; I don't care to hide the emotions worn on my face.

He kneels down at the side of my bed, looking up at me with anxious eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Just a nightmare." I whisper. Nightmares weren't anything knew to me, however that doesn't mean they are less scary.

They seem so real each time, and every time they are more violent than the last one.

"I just want this to all be over. The nightmares, the guilt, the depression, the shame....I'm just so sick of it all, I just want it all to be over." I sob. "I'm just so tired."

Ace doesn't say anything, instead, all he does is wrap a comforting arm around my waist, and pulls me in.  Sometimes all one needs is the comforting support of others, rather than words.

Sometimes the embrace of a warm hug speaks louder than words.

Sometimes actions speak louder than words.

And as I let Ace hold me in his arms, I let all the pain, the sorrow, the guilt, and the shame, stain the shirt that Ace is wearing. 

"Thank you." I whisper.

Ace hesitates for a moment, before speaking. "For what?"

"For standing through the good, the bad, and the ugly with me. Thank you for taking care of me, who is nothing more than a girl who happens to be broke-"

Ace cuts me off.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. You are not broken. You are a strong woman who has made it out of one hell of a tough life. Life isn't easy, but you only grew stronger from your struggles. You are a strong young woman who doesn't know how valuable she is yet." Ace says.

RescuedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora