Chapter 24: Engaged

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Song: 99 by Elliot Moss



A choked scream escapes my lips as I am roughly thrown down onto a cold, surgical table. Bright lights blind me and my body continuously spasms from coughing. Blood spews from my mouth, and it seems as if I'm drowning in my own blood.

"She can't breathe! Boss will put a bullet in our heads if she dies. Call the doctors!" Mark yells, clear panic in his voice.

Not being able to breathe is a terrifying feeling. Dread sets in and death nears. 

It isn't long before an oxygen mask is forced over my face and men in surgical clothing appear in my vision. I feel a prick in my arm, and I know it's the anesthesia needle. 

I immediately feel the effects and soon fade away into the realms of unconsciousness. 

* * *

"Good morning, beautiful."

A low, slightly accented voice pulls me out of unconsciousness, and when I peek my eyes open, I see the light brown eyes of a young man. His eyes match the color of his hair, and his complexion is pale. He looks down at me with not love, but desire and lust.

"W-who the hell are you?" I question weakly. 

"Aw, my finance's first words are so kind when she awakes from her week long coma." He says wryly. 

"Fiance!? Coma?!" I roar.

"Luuk! Quit causing problems, my son. The girl needs rest." Says Lars, stepping into the room.

"H-he is certainly not my fiance." I protest as I sit up in bed. My heart races with anger. "I will not marry anyone."

Lars furrows his eyebrows in anger and points a finger in my face. "You will do as I say."

"Why? Why must I marry him? Why not pick some other girl who already loves him? I'm sure he's got women falling at his feet already!"

"Because, I think you're perfect for my son. You'll provide a challenge for him, and you're not materialistic. You won't get easily distracted by the riches my son can provide you. Unlike other women, you're mature in your thinking." Lars tells me. 

"I will not marry him regardless of your opinions on how wife material I am." I spit angrily. 

"I'm in charge here, you have no rights. You will respect my decisions like the Mafia boss I am, or there will be consequences." He says sternly. 

I stare Lars in the eyes, refusing to back down. I will not marry his son. I refuse. He can go ahead and kill me if he likes, as I refuse to become just a simple object of beauty latched onto his arm. What a shallow, pointless life that would be.

Lars rips his gaze away from mine, and storms out of there. 

"Honey, I'm really not that bad. I will buy you the biggest, most beautiful diamond ring your heart desires." Luuk says.

"Really? Are you that dense? I don't want a ring, or riches, or whatever tactic you have up your sleeve to win over a woman. I want to be free. And seeing you can't give me that, I'm done with you." I say angrily.

"It doesn't work that way, little one." Luuk says, chuckling. "You are mine, and if it wasn't for your recovering state, I would take you as mine right here, right now, and make you scream to the rooftops that you are mine." 

"You disgusting scum!" I say, trying to mask my fear. I can't go through another rape....I just can't!

Luuk nears me, and hovers over me on the bed. He traps my body beneath his, and smirks. "This is the perfect position for us, don't you think? I love dominating my women."

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