I know what he's capable of and for that reason I sprung up from my hiding place and ran towards the entrance of the orphanage to see Tom stepping outside. A small smile jumped onto my lips as I happily ran in his direction. He only spotted me as my lips collided with his and our embraces intertwined. "I'm sorry," I muttered just as his lips responded so gently surprising me with his easy reciprocation of my devotion to him. In the pouring rain we kissed, and for the first time I truly accepted him as my husband, and I think I may even be in love with him, and it's irrevocable and beautiful and so very unexplainable.

I didn't notice we had been backing up until I was fully shielded from the rain and inside the orphanage. Roughly my back collided with the cold, hard wall. His body pressed against mine providing warmth and a pair of lips to move in sync with mine. He never questioned my actions but instead reciprocated them right away, and invested just as much feeling as I did. Neither of us made an effort to close the doors as I slowly slipped off his navy blue jacket. My body seemed to have a mind of it's own as I engaged in the first act of intimacy that Tom and I had ever shared. I ran my fingers through his wavy hair as his hands were planted firmly on my hips. Just as he slid them up to the straps of my nightgown and timidly began to pull them down a loud sound came from down the hall causing us to pull apart. Perhaps we were being loud because the next thing I knew the troll's voice sounded out. Tom and I were still in each other's embrace as she yelled. "Who's out here?!" My heartbeat accelerated as if it could get any faster than it was when I was kissing Tom. I looked at him with fear in my eyes as I was afraid of what she would do if she found us like this.

He assessed the situation immediately as I felt him quickly pull me behind an open door to a closet, and then deeper inside to hide behind the thick mass of coats. We stayed completely still as she searched the hallways for the 'intruder'. I held my breath as I turned in Tom's embrace resting my head on his chest. I felt his arms snake around my waist tighter as we remained tightly tucked into the corner of the closet. My body was shaking in his arms from the cold chill that surrounded us. His hands slowly trailed up my exposed arms to provide warmth of which I was so glad for. Suddenly I remembered something. "Your jacket," I whispered to him remembering it had fallen to the ground in our fit of lust. "Forget it," he said quietly. "No, your name is sewn into it," I told him fearing he'd get into trouble. "It doesn't matter." I'll be damned if they kick him out for this leaving the children and I here alone. "Whatever happens to you happens to the kid's and I too," I said quickly as I heard Ms.Cole walk down the other way. I took this time to pull forward out of Tom's grasp slipping out of our hiding place. Tom dashed to grab me back as I quickly slipped out of the closet and grabbed the deep blue corduroy jacket of the ground. I quickly creeped back in the closet accidentally hitting one of the buttons on the door making it echo. Just as I entered Tom grabbed me, covering my mouth so he could keep me completely silent.

I breathed through my nose still trying to keep completely still. "I hear you I know you're here. Come out now or punishment will be worse." Goodness lady I'm literally just trying to get down to business with my husband, is that so bad? Tom slowly backed us up into the corner of the closet again as she made her way closer to where we were. I heard her right outside the closet and I scooted closer to Tom if that was even possible at this point. "Whoever is in there come out now!" The door creeked open wider as she walked in. Her flashlight illuminated the small closet making me think we were done for.

We couldn't use magic at any point, both of us knowing that it could screw up our chances of living here. Just as she began to step forward I heard a loud sound coming from upstairs. It was the babies crying for us. I saw her clearly as she stepped out searching for the source. "Damned kids," She spat as she realized what it was. I exhaled as she walked off, saved by cranky babies. Tom released his hold on me finally and we both slowly exited the closet. "Where did she go?" I whispered as I took a look around. "I'm not sure," Tom said as he gently pushed me in the direction of the stairs. That's when I heard the creaky step on the third floor stairs, it always echoed when stepped on, that's when I had a realization. "She's going to our room." I told him realizing we were still in high water. The twin's cries still echoed from upstairs as Tom quickly dragged me back down stairs. I was afraid for us but I could tell my husband had a plan by the look of determination on his face. I watched as he went to the kitchen and proceeded to slide his hands behind an enormous glass china cabinet before pushing it down with all his might shattering it, creating a loud noise that carried throughout the whole building. An annoyingly shrill giggle escaped my lips, and I became even more attracted to Tom for some odd reason as he quickly ran over to me grabbing my hand leading me towards the back of the orphanage where the play rooms were. Giggles continued to escape my lips as we ran away from the scene of the crime, it was almost like we were normal teenagers running from the danger we caused with our foolish shenanigans. For a few minutes we were just a couple of foolish troublemakers risking it all for some stolen kisses in the dark. The Troll's heavy footsteps and loud yells arose into the night air as she made her way to the source of the sound. Children began to descend the stairs to see what the commotion was. In the middle of the mess Tom and I sneakily made our way back to our room and I was finally able to breath freely again.

  I kinda laughed a little at the mess we just caused and a small smile made it's way onto Tom's face too. "You know I'm gonna have to clean that up right?" I asked as I walked over to the cribs of the wailing babies. "No you won't," He said simply as I began calming the kids down. "Why are you so sure about that?" I asked him. "I have taken the liberty of filling out the paperwork for us to have an outing tomorrow morning," He said surpriseing me. "Really, where to?" I asked trying to hide my excitement. "Anywhere you want." The babies quieted down seeing that we were here. The commotion from downstairs echoed through the walls both amusing me and annoying me at the same time. "What's the occasion?" I asked him not expecting anything of that sort at this point. "Can't I take my family out once in awhile?" He asked with humor in his voice. I loved it when he called us his family. "Well yes but-" he interrupted me. "And to celebrate my very first pay check." My brows rose with interest as he pulled out a wad of cash. "Uh wow are you sure you're not working a corner instead?" I asked sarcastically, confusing him making me laugh a little. "Never mind how did you make so much in such a short time?" Maybe this would work out after all. "Being good at my job with commission. We will be out of here soon enough." I smiled excitedly at his words. "I'm truly sorry for ever doubting you." I said honestly. "You're always reasonable," He said waving off our disagreement from earlier. It wasn't as awkward as I thought It would be as we got ready to go to sleep, and that night we held eachother longer and closer than we ever had before. Then I had a thought.

Hold on... I think we almost had sex tonight.

So there's two chapters there for you guys. Thanks for waiting so patiently on updates. Everything is just perfect for the time being so the normal update schedule is officially back on. More to come very soon! Please remember to vote and comment because I love hearing from you guys.

All my love
-Alana Darlyn

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