Gossip #20:

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Andrea pulled down her school uniformed skirt, feeling slightly insecure for her bare naked legs. She hardly ever had shorts or skirts on and it felt like she was at her first day of school all over again.

“Christian,” she hissed.

The guy spun around, glancing at Andrea with a slightly amused expression on his face. Christian was beginning to become something to Andrea, like an older brother or something. They actually talked with one another fluently like old best friends. She was starting to feel like all she needed in life were her friends, including Christian.

“Hey A,” he greeted. “You look kind of frantic. Did something happen over the weekend?”

Of course, the guy hadn’t social networking sites. He would have had no idea what happened over the weekend. Andrea honestly wasn’t too sure if she could even explain it to him. The sleepover, Jennifer and Spencer, her father, and Katrina. It seemed more like a blur to Andrea.

“Hey, how was the palace’s party, Andy?” a senior from Andrea’s biology class hollered across the hallway, making a free invitation for anyone to laugh and give her snickers. Even some of the freshmen were smirking, their phones in one hand, and an energy bar in the other.

Andrea rolled her eyes, cupping her hands together. “Do you want to walk to the girl’s hall with me to get my stuff together for class?”

Christian nodded, leading their way to the girl’s hall of the building. Andrea loved that about him, that he respected your space and your privacy, and wouldn’t push you to spill. But at the same time, she felt like he just didn’t care enough to beg for the truth and it made her feel lonely, like she had no one beside her.

She pulled the lock off, pulling at the mahogany door of her locker. She stuffed her books inside, including her phone and music device. Andrea didn’t want to deal with calls, or texts, or anything for that matter in fear they would all be about Monica and such. Everyone already knew that they weren’t friends anymore, but no one really cared enough to stop mentioning it. It seemed like everyone was talking about Monica and the others, spreading gossip like how Michelle probably received STDs from Eric, and how Andrea probably made Kyle send Monica that text because she envied Monica too much. There was even a ridiculous one about Andrea having a soft spot for Monica because she hadn’t been seeing any boys, and the only one she had been seeing was a complete faggot.

Christian grabbed a novel stuffed in the corner of her locker and grimaced at it. It was another girly novel Andrea had recently stuffed her nose into. She grabbed the novel and shoved it back into her locker. Christian always had a thing about drama novels, staying they were too fake and advertising stereotypes to girls.

Apparently it was ridiculous to muse about some random boy next door because for all the girl knew, he could be a drug addict or a murderer. Christian only read novels like Perfume, and biographies written after Marie Antoinette and the French revolution. He was oddly interested in the French and royalty.

And speaking of royalty, there was Monica, walking down the girls’ hallways, her legs evenly tanned and her hair evenly sprayed. It looked odd to have Monica walking the halls alone, but by now, Andrea assumed she was used to it. The curls bounced as she walked over to Andrea, a huge smile on her face. “It’s so nice to see you again, Andrea. Hopefully we can hang out some time. We haven’t seen each other in such a long time.” She put her hand on Andrea’s shoulder, squeezing to signify that this was all an act to get some dirt off her shoulders.

Then she walked off and eyes scanned over Andrea from her worn out uniformed blazer, skirt, and camisole she had bought from Target a few weeks ago. She looked like a peasant compared to the glowing bronzed goddess and some girls even followed up behind Monica, as if trying to get some good answers for their broadcasting classes. Andrea rolled her eyes as she grabbed her binder for her first class. She didn’t have time to be stressing over Monica.

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