Gossip #19:

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Michelle slammed her hand on the table. She glared at the pictures on the phone. She had found Katrina’s phone and was in the middle of planning her revenge. The girl had took pictures of all of them nude and drinking. If this was evidence to get the girls in trouble, it was the most stupid idea ever.

It was volunteer day for the seniors, and the only person she recognized helping out a freshman that she’d seen walk around the hallways, always having conversations with the “Plastics” of their grade.

“Zeke, would you like to help Audrey with the chess pieces?” Vanessa, a kooky girl in cheetah print and leather, asked, with a clipboard against her stomach. How come she hardly did anything?

This was stupid.

“Oh and Michelle, can you go get some water from the van?” Vanessa instructed, handing her the keys.

Michelle stared at the keys. Get water? Like a huge pack?

Sure, Michelle had felt that she should be a good person and help out the community, but she thought she would be picking up trash from the streets or at least volunteering at a Kindergarten or a place for the disabled, not a whole bunch of seniors who seemed fine on their own. They all had families who could afford BMWs, how come they were here, solely eating, crapping, sleeping, and chatting. Michelle was pretty sure their lives were much better than hers.

“Olivia will help.” Vanessa looked over at the freshman in her Skylights school uniform, looking surprised. It was like she hadn’t expected to be doing much of anything with her name of volunteering on her resume. Stupid freshmen. Michelle hated freshmen who thought they were superior.

Especially ones who looked like Queen Elizabeth, skinny and petit version. The girl had Cherokee heritage with a Ukrainian nose and chin, tall and thin, short and sharp. She had huge brown eyes and her dark hair was braided across her tan forehead. She looked like one of those tribal princess dolls from brands that ripped you off on doll clothes crap.

Olivia glanced over at Michelle, and her whole face went red. She would be helping out the one and only Michelle. She could feel her heart racing and her lips numbing. There was no way on earth she would actually be talking to Michelle, one of the most sophisticated and well known girls of Skylights. Olivia felt like she had just seen Justin Timberlake bend down on his knees and propose to her, she was having a complete celebrity fantasy.

“Want to go get some water?” Michelle asked, waving the keys around and Olivia nodded, frantic as ever. “Great.” She spun around in that navy mini skirt of hers, and Olivia followed. Even from the back, she seemed like a star capable of the runway.

“Michelle, right?” Olivia squeaked. Of course she knew her name. It was Michelle Kat Von, the daughter of Bridget Kat Von and a legacy child for Yale. No, she was more than a legacy child. She was a ten-time Oscar winner. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

“Really?” Michelle asked, facing Olivia. There was this sparkle to Michelle’s smile that melted Olivia. Michelle wasn’t particularly Monica-pretty. She just had this image to her that made her look so innocent, vulnerable and so gorgeous. “Well now I feel like a celebrity.”

“But you are!” Olivia pointed out, her voice bouncing up and down the scale. “I know so much about you. You’re, like, my idol.”

There was this odd look on Michelle’s face and Olivia worried that she sounded like a freak. Monica and Michelle were friends before, so Olivia guessed she had advantage, but they also weren’t friends anymore and practically hated each other. Olivia put her hands to her back and sped up at Michelle’s pace. The girl could walk in those stilettos. And that tote. Was it LeSportsac?

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