Gossip #12:

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Friday. It was the day of their sleepover.

Andrea had made Katrina a complete doll for the occasion. The girls had their press on nails on and their hair done. There was just one thing missing. Right, a huge smile on both their faces.

“Ready to destroy the queen’s throne?” Katrina asked.

Andrea grinned at her reflection, a hand on her hip. “Who wouldn’t be? We’re crashing a sleepover.”

“Their sleepover,” Katrina corrected, fixing the tinted pink blouse. The material felt light and airy against Katrina’s alabaster skin, but for some reason, it just wasn’t doing its justice. “Does this shirt make me look like I’m sneaking my phone in my bra?”

Andrea glanced over. She shook her head as she fixed her hair up in a high ponytail. Her fingers were still stretched around the elastic when Carter, one of Andrea’s many brothers. He was the youngest by the age of fourteen, and most probably not going to stay that way. “Aye, oh, hi there, Katrina,” he said in this weird Mexican accent with a hint of Italian.


Carter stuck his tongue out at his sister. “No, I’m actually going to stay here thank you very much.” He dove onto the bed, striking a supermodel pose. “So, where are you guys sneaking off to? Another founding party?”

“Actually, better,” Katrina answered, remembering the deep conversation she and Andrea had on the phone not too long ago. “A founding sleepover.”

Andrea rolled her eyes, remembering everything that had happened more than a week ago. It was humiliating, embarrassing, and something Andrea would never forget. And besides, the man hadn’t even called once, and for all Andrea knew, he had their number printed on the “V” section of his long address book. He knew exactly where the Vegas lived, where they were, what schools they went to, and how they were proceeded through the town. And in spite of all that, he hasn’t bothered even attempting to introduce his new family. Ugh, at least the man had taste-his girlfriend and her daughter were complete bombshells.

“Wait, a sleepover? So this is all-girls, right?” Carter snickers, his nearly transparent gray eyes piercing through Andrea. The kid had most of their father’s genes: his lighter eyes, blonde hair, and masculine figure, whereas Andrea had her mother’s feminine shoulders, long legs, and a curvy thin waist. Her mother was a bombshell of her kind as well. Maybe it was her personality or her horrible financing skills that caught trouble in the first place. Or maybe he was just a complete jerk, a spoilt piece of bread with nothing on top.

“Yes, Carter. And you’re not invited,” Andrea sneered as she threw her pillow across the room.

In spite how annoying little brothers could be, Katrina had to say that Andrea and Carter made a really cute family, the older sister babying her younger brother. Once Andrea had bought Carter a pack of diapers back when the girls were fourteen. The poor nine year old had started balling his eyes out, and to this day he states he was just merely tired and suffering some serious case of insomnia although the kid slept like a bear.

Carter shrugged, looking slightly guilty for something. Oh boy, if that kid did something bad he was going to get it hard from Andrea. “But last time you were at a sleepover with Lily, didn’t you guys get drunk?”


Just like an obedient two year old, he stormed out of the room, his face hot red and his motives high: to stay away from Andrea as long as he could.

“What was he talking about?” Katrina asked, genuinely interested. She leaned against the countertop of Andrea’s vanity, her pale complexion tinted pink against Andrea’s lights.

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