Gossip #9:

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The way her hand skimmed up and down his thigh wasn’t helping, but it was better than his hands skimming up and down her thigh. Now that was just a picture Kyle couldn’t imagine.

It was Monday, a fresh new day and time to start the week off. He had been extremely excited to finally meet Katrina and become close friends with her, and so far, she was nowhere. She wasn’t in any classes with him this semester so finding her made things tricky. So it was already hour four, meaning the time where the rebels hid under the ravine and would start tagging the walls under the bridge, where the preps would gather around the school benches, talking about gossip and the latest trends, and the time the nerds could study without being pressured.

Kyle had been stuck with Ester, one of his best friends, and her sister, a slightly more scrawny kind of person with tangled red hair, freckles kissed over the round pale face with extremely small features and body parts. Except for her chest. Not that Kyle was a complete pervert, but the chest was obviously six times too big for her body, if you would mind the slightly rounder stomach and the fat stuck up around her cheeks and chin. And then there was her boyfriend.

Oyster dude.

Ester was a rebellious girl, an adopted child, growing up in a semi-formal family but still managed to carry that daredevil attitude of hers. She had warmer caramel skin, jet black hair dyed a couple of times and a very strong set of eyebrows, one of the girls things you noticed when you saw her. Today, she had on a tie-dye tee with a pair of gray leggings paired with cashmere leg warmers and some combat boots. She was one of those independent girls who played along with the guys, played most of the sports they played, watched most of the games they watched and ate most of the food they were supplied with part of their daily diet.

She had been a very close friend of Kyle, just one of many girls Vanessa had introduced. Vanessa, being the slightly more shy and unfriendly girls she was, surprisingly had quickly a lot of people to throw at Kyle.

“So Kylie, what are you doing today after school?” Ester asked, her hand dangerously close to what Oyster treasured the most.

Kyle shrugged. “Library.”

Ester grinned, shaking her head. “Oh, my Kylie. What happened last night when Vanessa left you all alone in that library with that girl?”

His cheeks fired up, and he couldn’t help but notice the looks he was given. Oyster was giving him an odd look, Redhead was looking doubtful and Ester was looking mentally challenged as this point. “She told you?”

“Oh, she tells me everything,” Ester challenged, “like the time you got sexually aroused when Ka-”

“I never had an orgasm,” Kyle defended, putting his hands to each ear, blocking the words as if no one would be able to hear the words he heard along with him.

Ester shrugged, taking a seductive bit into her apple. “Who said that you had an orgasm?”

“Whose had an orgasm?” Vanessa asked, walking in with her hippy headband and her bright orange skirt. She seemed extremely moody for a girl who was always carefree and happy. She slammed her bag down on the table, a hand to her temple. She looked stressed. Not a good sign.

Redhead shrugged, peering over at Vanessa’s sketchbook that Vanessa quickly hid away. Redhead was kind of a fly on the wall when it came to personal things, no matter how obvious her fly was. “Beats me.”

“Hey, Rachel, shouldn’t you be at choir by now?” Ester asked in her responsible sister-voice she only brought out when she was dealing serious matters. Even if that meant a deep conversation about sex.

Everyone's their own Gossip Girl *BOOK PREVIEW*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora