Gossip #10:

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It was one of those fun Monday afternoons, the ones that stopped by every other week to bless you with the fact that your life would be filled with pouring rain and disgusting gray stapled everywhere and you would just have to sit outside every morning, staring up into space on a fresh Monday morning, waiting for something different to change in weather. One plus was that it wasn’t England anymore, and that the weather actually went from gray to blue to pink, but the downside was that the weather actually changed around here.

Monica put her tanned feet onto the dashboard, a mango bubble tea in one pink polished hand, and another alone the thin edges of the magazine paper. She squinted at one of the headlines: “Did she SERIOUSLY do that?”, about one of Hollywood’s failing actresses in engagement with two men at the same time and being caught with another guy at a bar that Monica had been to only a few years back when her parents hadn’t been spying on her. She grimaced at the picture of the overly-fake forty year old woman with a yellow sundress to prove that she was living skin cancer with a complete face full of glue, lashes, and several hundred layers of different coloured lipstick slapped onto her face this way that. But at the very corner of her eye, the oh so beautiful sight of black mud right next to her vehicle jumped around, wailing for attention, and Monica slapped the magazine down, a monstrous frown over her face.

Monica had attempted to forget about what it was like living here in Canada, trying extremely hard not to embrace the sun one minute, knowing that it would be kidnapped by a whole gang of gray clouds to look up and see herself drenched from head to toe.

When she had come back, she had thought that the place would be a bit brighter and slightly less gray, but it hadn’t exactly matched her preferences as she would have liked. She glowered down at her pink scandals and stuck her tongue out at them. The beauty queen had gotten summer and autumn mixed up because everyone knew no one could be stupid enough to expect much happiness where all her history was made. Monica had made the attempt of swinging strong and hard at it, but she had been reluctant, and it was still there. The wall only stacking up, getting stronger and noticeable.

And of course, another brick to add to the Great Wall of China.

A uniquely toned body had made its way over here constructed under a sheet of skin that looked so radiant and attractive under a pair of Kindergarten rain boots, a rainproof pink rain jacket, and a whole series of charms over her clunky, heavy, and extremely expensive Pandora charm bracelet.

Monica cursed before chugging down her bubble tea, murdering the tip of the pink straw.

It had made Monica cringe a bit, noticing the ballet shoes from so far away. They had been a charm Monica had given Michelle back in eighth grade when they had finally received their ballet certificate, being fourth year dancers. That was also when Monica had ditched her right after, and she had no idea what Michelle did after. Monica had hoped Michelle had quit as well under her honour, but now Monica honestly didn’t care what Michelle did. Or at least she wanted to not think about Michelle. All Monica had been thinking about was how happy she had been with the four, but at the same time, how annoying it was to have the girls always argue no matter how much they made up for it by also making sure Monica was in charge.

There was envy and lust in a few men’s eyes as Michelle walked across, and of course that one girl who looked at Michelle in awe. That was before Michelle had slipped over a puddle and had gotten the black mud all up her leg and had stained her cute pink skirt. The skirt that would have been cute if Michelle wasn’t wearing it, of course.

Who was Monica kidding?

The girl looked good in everything she wore. Of course, it depended on how she was wearing it.

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