"Now we're even." He finally answers, extending his arm for me to take.

"I'm really sorry Ash. I've never felt this bad. I will make it up to you." I say, with a little difficulty in the respiratory department of my body.

"I let it all out on you and now I feel a lot better." He said with a hint of a smile. "Now let's go find our girl." 

"Hey! She's still my girl you moron. I made her hate me sure. I'll probably never see her again. But no one calls her my girl but me. We clear on that?" 

"If you two don't get together soon, I'll ship you to Mars and destroy your only hope of returning." He chuckled, as he opened the door for us to go inside.

To say that it looked like a hurricane struck this place would be an understatement. Empty chips bags were all over the place, empty juice cups were scattered in every possible corner, candy wrappers, empty pizza boxes, water bottles; everything was everywhere. To add to all that, there was smoke coming from outside my window.

"What the hell just happened?" I yelled. "Why is there smoke outside my window?"

"Ask Adam. He set that thing on fire." Replied Aaron, completely focused on something on his computer.

"Technically it wasn't really on fire." Replied Adam, half way through swallowing his pizza and eating fries. Adam is this six foot five guy who's our martial arts specialist. He has dark brown hair, blue eyes and about seven screws missing from his brain. He's somewhat of an idiot, but he always comes through.

"Well no duh, it wasn't just on fire because you blew the whole thing up." Said Jordan, a best friend of Adam's and another member of our gang. Jordan is our weapon's specialist and amazing science nerd. Also, once this nerd remotely changed my ringtone to "Baby" by that Dustbin Wiper guy. I didn't even know it was him until he told me like five months later. He's about six feet two, with jet black, curly hair, muscles that he hides beneath over sized hoodies and brown eyes he hides behind thick rimmed glasses. 

Reminded me of Alexis's glasses.

Shut up.

I noticed about ten bees flying around, and I can't help but blame this toxic dumpsite that we're in.

"I leave the room for ten minutes. TEN MINUTES and you nitwicks manage to provoke what seems like an advanced species of fighter bees?!" I yell out, trying to swat those little flying death machines.

"I told them to clean up before we contract a tropical disease but of course no one listens to me." Volunteered Aaron, still too occupied with his laptop.

"Oh really? When did you become so wise oh-chosen-one?" Mocked Adam, focusing on the xbox game he's playing.

"Since I stopped listening to you jerkface."

"Smart guy."

"Wait. Where's Jace?" Asked Ashton. I still don't understand why he ever wants to be friends with that jerk.

I don't like him. Not one single bit, and I don't understand why Alexis would pick up stray animals and just call them our friends. Oh. I mean her friends.


Without ever speaking, everyone pointed towards the bathroom.

'Oh boy' I thought as Ashton and I headed towards the bathroom.

When we opened the door, it was defintley a sight to behold. Idiot, moronic, jerkface had his head stuck between the railings of the bathroom window and he looked like he was enjoying the view too.

The Girl They Never NoticedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon