Chapter 1

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okay when Riley's talking and you see bold letters it's just her subconscious adding it and she's not actually saying it

Riley's POV

"Riley!" my dad shouted at me from downstairs. "Get over here, now!"

I quickly got out of my bathroom and ran downstairs. I stood in front of my drunken father as he stared at me with bloodshot eyes.

"The fridge is empty." he hissed at me.

"I'm sorry..." I whimpered as I inched near the wall behind me.

"Go get me some more beer!" he shouted at me and then proceeded to punch me in the stomach. He wasted no time stumbling to the couch and laying down to either take a nap, or to sleep off the alcohol. I quickly grabbed my fake ID and some money, then ran out of the house, being careful not to wake him nor my mother. I walked along the sidewalk, to the supermarket.

Name: Riley Marie Jones

Age: 17

Family: Father (Alcoholic), Mother (Drug Addict), Older Sister (Died Of Cancer When Riley Was 6)

Appearance: Brown Eyes, Dark Brown Hair, Quite Short (About 5"4), Slim

Location: Sydney, Australia

Education: Attended Richmond High School Before She Had To Drop Out Due To Her Family's Situation

As I reached the supermarket I noticed that only one or two cars were parked in the lot, which meant that I didn't have to pull on my acting face that much. I let out a deep breath and entered the supermarket. I took a shopping basket and went to the alcoholic beverages' section of the store. I scanned the aisle. My eyes locked on the multiple six-packs of beer on the top shelf. I went over to it only to realize that I'm too short to reach it. I looked around for an employee to help me, but I couldn't find any. I turned back around to the shelf and mentally cursed the store workers for putting the beer on the top shelf.

Suddenly I heard four different voices, all laughing and swearing about how much they were laughing.

"I wish I could laugh like that." I mumbled to myself before pulling on my acting face. I mentally prayed that they wouldn't come here, but unluckily, they did.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiii!" a blonde boy said to me. He was quite tall. This was my chance to get what I needed.

"Hiiiiii! Listen since you're basically so tall you could portray as a giant can you help me get the beer from the top shelf? My friends are having a party tonight and I promised them that I would bring the drinks." I said to him. "If I had any friends." My subconscious added.

"Sure." he said as he casually reached the top shelf and handed me two six-packs of beer.

"Thanks." I said as I gave him a small smile.

"I'm Luke by the way."

"Riley." I said as I reached out to shake his hand, but instead he pulled me into a hug. One of his hands squeezed my bruises, and it hurt like hell, but I wasn't gonna let him know. And I've never actually had to worry about people touching my bruises, since I've never had any friends. He pulled away from the hug and is suddenly noticed how attractive he was. Blonde hair styled into a perfect quiff, piercing blue eyes. He had a lip ring, and not a single flaw. He was wearing ripped black skinny jeans and a long-sleeved striped dark sweater.

"Hey, are you alright?" one of his friends asked. He had curly brown hair, and deep emerald eyes. He was also really tall, but not as tall as Luke.

"Yeah, I'm fine. No you're not. Why wouldn't I be?" I said to him and fake smiled.

"You just seem really pale. I mean like really really pale. Just like Mikey over here." he said then shoved his friend standing next to him. He had light green hair, which would be awesome if it was his natural hair color but obviously wasn't, and grey eyes with a hint of green in them. He was also really tall, just like his friends.

"Stop teasing me!" he exclaimed.

"This is my natural skin color." I said with a straight face, causing them to burst out laughing, which earned a smile from me as well.

"Well then, you wanna go get some lunch?" Luke asked me.

"No thanks, I starve myself, I already ate." I said to him.

"Aww... well can I at least get your number?" he said with a pouty face, that I just couldn't resist.

"Sure. It's not like you're gonna contact me anyway" he gave me his phone, as well as his other three friends. I slightly laughed, then started to put my number into all four iPhones.

"See you around guys!" I said as I started to make my way towards the cash register. I handed the store worker my fake ID then paid for the twelve cans of beer. I started making my way back to my house but then I realized: when I was with them, I wasn't fake laughing or smiling.

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