Chapter 15 Accepting my Mistake

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Nicole POV(1 Month Later)

Morgan is my sister and I trust and love her but the idea that she's gonna sleep with my Atty makes me nervous. He doesn't know and if he falls for it I'll lose my shit but I have to watch the kids tonight. Skylar can crawl already and its hard to keep track of her. Again I kinda lost her.

"Skylar, come out." I say crawling on all fours. Than I hear her quiet laugh. I look under the couch and see her smiling at me. "Come here my little pup." I reach out and she takes my hand so I can pull her out. "What are you doing under there? Huh?"

"Hiding." she says. She knows basic words. Nothing special. 

"You were." I say tickling her feet. She really ticklish, just like Atty. "Can you go get daddy?" she nods and crawls to the stairs. If there's another thing she can do it's climb but she got that from me. She carefully climbs up the steps. Than the front door opens and Morgan walks in. "Hey, thought you were out with Jax." I say.

"Nah, I gotta take care of some things before Attila and I have our movie night." she says. I grind my teeth and look down. "You'll watch the kids, right?"

"Yeah, sure." I say. She smiles and walks upstairs. Oh god! She knows how to piss me off and she's doing it on purpose!  

"Nicole!" Inez yells running in.

"Don't fucking scare me like that!" I yell. "What is it?"

"Morgan just said something about sex and Attila! What happened?!" she says shaking me.

"Calm down! Its okay." I say. "And I know about Morgan and Attila." 

"Really? What happened?" she asks.

"I was sleeping with Jax the first two months of my pregnancy and she caught us....6 times." I say.

"Nicole!" she yells. 

"I'm sorry." I say.

"Sorry doesn't cut it!" she yells.

"Why does everybody blame me?!" I yell. "Nobody went to Jax!"

"Thats not the point! You, my dear little sister, have a mate and a daughter!" she yells.

"I know! I'm sorry! I'm.....sorry." I say falling onto the couch. "I knew it was wrong. I knew I could lose Morgan. It felt wrong but right at the same time. I was jealous because she was happy and I wasn't." 

"Nicole, you accepted the fact that you made a mistake. Thats good but you have to think about how Morgan feels. Cheated on by her mate and little sister." she says.

"I know and I can do nothing to make it up to her." I say. "I'm gonna go out for a while. Watch Sky for me." I stand up and leave the house. I messed up and I don't think I can do anything to fix it.


Update! YAY!

Nikki :)

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