Chapter 14 Nothing Without Return

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Nicole POV

Skylar crying wakes me up. I groan and climb out of bed, walking to her room she shares with Anabella. I walk over to her and pick her up.

"Hey little one, its okay." I say sitting down and kissing her tiny hand. I know it belongs to being a mother but I'll tell you one thing. Breast feeding sucks. And its worse when you have a little wolf pup who's teeth grow in very fast. After about 20 to 25 minutes of feeding she falls asleep. I lay her in her crip and head back to bed. Attila got a month break so he's staying with us.

"Hey, she was hungry again?" he asks as I crawl into bed next to him. I nod and rest my head on his chest.

"Yeah, she's been here a week and I'm in so much pain already." I say. He sighs and kisses the top of my head.

"Its okay, normally you only have to feed pups the first 2 to 3 weeks. Than they have full teeth." he says.

"But its another week or two of this." I say. 

"I know it hurts but she needs it. You can't just say I don't feel like it." he says.

"I know, I wanna talk to Morgan. Maybe she knows what to do about the pain." I say. He nods and shortly after we fall asleep.

The Next Morning

I open my eyes and sit up. I feel pretty good so I climb out of bed and walk to Anabella's room but both her and Skylar are gone. I walk downstairs and see Morgan with little Sky on her lap and Anabella playing with some toys.

"Hey, I thought I'd let you sleep in." she says. I nod and sit down. "Also, you feed her. Right?"

"Yeah." I say. 

"And I'm guessing your in pain." she says. I nod and look down. "Okay, I didn't have much trouble with that but.....Attila worships you. Right?"

"Yeah." I say giving her a confused look.

"Than.....use your wolfy charm to get him to.....pleasure you." she says.

"What?" I ask.

"Massaging....touching." she says but I stop her.

"Okay! Thats enough!" I say making her smile. "I can try but I don't know."

"Oh come on. Attila would kiss your feet if he could." she says.

"Anyway, can I have my daughter back please?" I ask. She smiles and hands me Sky.

"She has your eyes." she says. "And Attila's funny smile."

"Yeah, she looks just like her father." I say. "But I gotta tell you something."

"I know, in the first months of your pregnancy you and Jax were having sex." she says. I gasp and frown. 

"How do you know?" I ask.

"Well, I caught you two....6 times." she says. "I didn't get mad because A, it happened before and B, your my sister. I'm not afraid you'll steal him." she says.

"I still feel like an ass." I say as Sky tugs softly at my hair.

"Whatever, I'm not in the mood to freak out." she says.

"But I love it when you freak out. Its funny." I say making her frown. "Alright, calm down."

"But I want something in return." she says.

"Okay, what?" I ask

"I want to sleep with Attila." she says.

"Fuck no." I say.

"Nicole, you slept with my mate more than once. I want to sleep with yours once and we're even." she says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes." she says. I sigh and nod. "Only once, and if he wants."

"Okay, and I'm sorry again." I say but she covers her ears.

"I hate that word! Stop it!" she says. I smile and turn back to Skylar. Maybe things aren't so bad and everything will get alot better.


I know, I have to sleep with Attila but its all part of the story so no flipping of your shit.

Nikki :)

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