Chapter 7 From Sister to Sister

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Nicole POV

I'm sitting in the living room watching TV as Morgan walks down the stairs. Ever since I told her I'm pregnant she's been acting weird.

"Nicole, can we talk?" she asks sitting down. I sigh and turn the TV off. "I wanna talk to you about your baby."

"Morgan, please." I say looking down.

"Too bad, your stuck with me." she says. I groan and pout. "Don't pout with me or I'll kick your ass."

"Fine!" I say. She nods and scoots closer.

"Okay, are you sure your pregnant? I don't want everybody to find out and your not." she says. 

"I know I am, I'm sure of it." I say.

"Okay, what about Attila? I mean, you gotta tell him. He's the father. Even though I don't like him." she says. I sigh and sit back.

"Morgan, you gotta let that shit with Brevlen go. He's dead and Attila is nothing like him." I say.

"You don't know that. Attila is really smart, he could turn out like his father any day." she says. "And how could I forget him? He raped and kidnapped you, turned you into a Mutt, got you pregnant for the first time. There is no way to forget that asshole." she says.

"Wait, what do you mean got me pregnant?" I ask.

"What? Attila didn't tell you?" she asks.

"No, he didn't tell me anything." I say. She looks down and sighs. "Morgan, what happened?!

"Brevlen got you pregnant when you were with him. He must have gave you somthing to knock you out to do it." she says. I lose my breath and look away.

"Why didn't anybody tell me?" I ask.

"I'm sorry, I thought you already knew." she says. "But its okay, forget it."

"Alright, whatever." I say. "What else do you wanna talk about.?"

"Well, names maybe?" she says. 

"Oh god, and that would be?" I ask. She shrugs and looks around. "How did you come up with Anabella Nicole Knight?"

"Well, we were staring at you while you were unconscious." she says. 

"Well, if its a girl I wanna name her Skylar." I say. She gives me a confused look.

"Why Skylar?" she asks.

"I always liked that name and if a boy than......Erik. With a K." I say. 

"Okay, good start. Never know, might change your mind in the next 9 months." she says. Just than Dex, Jax and Anabella walk in.

"Hey girls, what ya talking about?" Dex asks as they sit down.

"Girl stuff my boy." I say making him smile. "There's a letter from Inez on the kitchen counter. He jumps up and runs to the kitchen.

"So, what were you two really talking about?" Jax asks as Anabella jumps on the couch.

"You promise, on your grave that you will never, ever tell Inez or Attila or anybody?" Morgan asks. He gives us a confused look and nods. "Okay, should I tell him?"

"Yeah, I don't really want to." I say looking down.

"Okay, Nicole is pregnant." she says. He gasps and gives me a big hug.

"Thats great! From Attila?" he says.

"No, from you." I say making him frown.

"I swear, I was drugged." he says making us laugh. "But, how far?"

"Umm....2 weeks?" I say just guessìng. He nods and Dex walks back in.

"Inez is visiting us this weekend." he says. Oh, great. Now I have to tell her too. This is gonna be a long weekend.


Okay? My computer's being a bitch so updates are only coming slowly.

Nikki :)

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