Part 2 first day

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The cold air of Hereford slowed Jesus down a bit as he ran.
Jesus:"Come on Jesus keep on going."
Jesus started to speed up again and continued running for 5 more minutes.
Jesus reached a lookout tower that faced the sun.
On the way up the stairs Jesus heard a voice.
Jackal:"I hate this fucking insomnia it's literally killing me."
Jesus made his way up the stairs and greeted Jackal.
Jackal turned around to see the new comer.
Jackal:"Hel-Wait a minute are you the new recruit?"
Jesus:"Yup I'm Jesus."
Jackal:"Man Thermite wasn't kidding when he said you looked like Jesus."
Jesus:"I get that a lot."
Jackal:"Fuckin hell this insomnia is killing me."
Jesus:"You have insomnia?"
Jackal:"Yeah it's been with me since my brother died when I was 18."
Jesus:"that's depressing."
Suddenly a voice came from behind the two.
Mira:"Jackal are you up here again?"
Jackal:"Ah shit here we go again."
Mira came up the stairs and was greeted by Jesus.
Jesus:"If you're about to say it yes I'm the new recruit."
Mira:"Well then Hello I'm Mira or Jackal's counterpart."
Jackal passed out of tiredness and hit he floor with a
Metallic thud.
Jesus:"I got him."
Mira:"No no I have to keep watch."
Jesus:"I insist it's ok plus you look like you just woke up."
Mira's thoughts:"Man he sure is friendly I'll say that."
Jesus carried jackal fireman style and walked with Mira to jackals room.
Mira:"Do you own that 240X that's in the cafeteria?"
Jesus:"Yep I'm glad someone finally called it a 240X most people mistake it as a muscle car because of its front bumper."
Mira:"We should ride together some time you and me."
Mira blushed at the statement.
Jesus:"It'll happen someday."
Jesus and Mira arrived at the jackals dorm.
Mira:"We're here I got it from here."
Jesus:"Well I'm gonna go to the cafeteria to fix up my 240X."
Mira:"Go ahead and thanks for the help."
Jesus:"You're Welcome."
Mira closed the door and Jesus made his way to the cafeteria.
Jesus made the finishing touches on his 240X and closed the hood.
Jesus:"I love this car."
Thermite:"Is that the 240X that you told me about?"
Jesus tuned around to We his best friend Thermite.
Jesus:"So I heard you're in team rainbow nice job."
Thermite:"Can say the same."
Thermite and Jesus shared a manly hug.
Jesus:"You remember our handshake?"
thermite and Jesus slapped the back of their hands and brofisted.
Jesus:"Haven't lost your touch?"
thermite:"Nope and I never will."
Hibana came in dressed in a hoodie and joggers.
Hibana:"Hello I'm guessing you're the new recruit or Jesus?"
Jesus:"Yes I am and this is my 240X if you were wondering."
Hibana circled the 240X in astonishment.
Hibana:"I've seen this car twice back in Tokyo when me and Echo would go to car meets."
Jesus:"This car is god like at drifting and drag racing as well."
Hibana and thermite:"Woah."
Jesus:"But if you'll I use me I would like to be alone."
Thermite and Hibana left Jesus alone and sat at another table.Minutes pass and Jesus met the other operators.
Zofia came up to Jesus with a smile on her face.
Jesus:"Hello I'm guessing you're Zofia or Ela's sister?"
Zofia:"Yes I am But I'm here to thank you for saving Ela's life back in Iraq she told me all about so this means you earned my trust."
Jesus:"You're Welcome and I would save her life millions and millions of times instead of mine."
Zofia:"That very sweet of you but don't get your self killed or hurt because Ela has a thing for you."
Jesus:"She does?"
Zofia:"Yes of course she does you saved her life it's her turn to repay you back."
Jesus:"Tell her she doesn't have to I don't want her to waist her time."
Zofia:"Man when people said that you were friendly they weren't lying."
Jesus:"I know but it was nice meeting you hopefully we get to work with each other more sometime."
Zofia:"See ya."
Jesus:"See ya."
Jesus went to the food line to grab some grub and went back to his table and pulled out his phone.
Jesus:"Ooo Some good old John Denver."
The song started to play as he ate.
(Play the song above)
Jesus stopped eating for a bit to sing a verse of the the song.
Jesus:"country road take me home to the place were I belong West Virginia mountain mama take me home country road."
Some operators looked at Jesus with a curious look.
Pulse was the only operator to realize what song he was listening to.
Pulse made his way to Jesus with confidence in his step.
Jesus took off the left side of his earphones and looked up at Pulse.
Pulse:"Hello,are you listening to Country road?"
Jesus:"Yes,do you like the song as well?"
Pulse:"Hell Yeah I do."
Jesus handed pulse the left side of his earphone and both men sang the song quietly.
It was night time and Jesus was getting ready for bed until a knock came at his door.Jesus opened the door to be met by both Bosak sisters.
Jesus:"Hello how will I help both of you ladies?"
Zofia:"Go on Ela tell him."
Ela blushes and looked at Jesus.
Jesus:"Is there anything wrong Ela?
Ela:"I was w-wondering if you wanted to go out with me tomorrow night."
Jesus thought for a moment and looked back at Ela.
Jesus:"Of course I'll go out what kind of a question is that?"
Ela sighed in relief while Zofia was bereft able to contain her happiness.
Ela:"Tomorrow At 7:00PM if that's all right?"
Jesus:"It's fine but I'm gonna go to bed goodnight ladies."
Zofia and Ela:"Night Jesus."
Jesus Closed the door and went to his bead to sleep.

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