Chapter 20: The End and The Beginning

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Chapter 20

The End and The Beginning

Phase and Convex were in the waiting room at the hospital. The doctor came out and they stood up. "They will both be fine. The one has lost so much blood that he will need to be in here for a couple days. The other the authorities are keeping an eye on. As soon as he's better, he's going straight to prison." Phase and Convex were relieved. Bruiser was going to be fine. Phase went to go see him. Convex sat back down, and then realized, "Hey, I should check on Dwight!" He walked up to the check-in and asked for Dwight Howard. The receptionist typed in the name, and told Convex, "You'd better come with me." He followed her, and she took him to the security department. She told them, "Tell him about Howard." The guard's eyes grew wide, "Man, that guy was scary!" "What are you talking about?" asked Convex. "The guy broke out a couple days ago!" "What do you mean by 'broke out'?" "He came out of his room and started running. When someine tried to stop him he slammed the guy's head to the wall and kept going. We chased after him and trapped him in the parking lot. When we moved in, it was like he wasn't even there! He was transparent, man! I could reach right through him! He knocked me out and then sunk through the ground, according to the other guys. Man, talk about trippy." Convex walked away, stunned, then, "Oh, and he mentioned one more thing." Convex turned around, "What was that?" "He said he was looking for some people named Alex and Nick. Said he wanted to kill them. It was FREAKY!!!" Convex turned away, stunned. He went to tell Phase what had happened.

The car pulled up to a vacant power plant. It was around seven o'clock in the evening in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The car had been moving all night, only stopping for gas. Two people got out. One, the driver, and the other, a badly injured man. They walked up to the plant and entered, but they descended to the engine room. From there they walked to a newer door, one with a combination lock. The driver punched the combination in, and the door slid open, revealing a steep, downward staircase. The injured man breathed in deep, "Ah, the smell of home." With that, the man and the driver descended into the darkness. When they reached the bottom, they found themselves in a massive, underground complex that stretched for miles in all directions. "Welcome home, Veloci." Veloci turned around, and a rare smile crept across his face, "It's good to be home, Viper." Viper smiled, then motioned for Veloci to follow him. They walked down a few halls, and went into a room with two couches, and a few chairs, and fully stocked with weapons. "Step into my office, brother, " said Viper. They each sat down. "Now, what is it that you want to discuss?" Veloci smiled, "Oh yes. I have been looking forward to this. There are three people that I need your help to kill. Two men and a young woman. They all have strange powers, but not like us. One of them got the best of me, but it won't happen again." Viper grinned again, "Well, that sounds like fun! When do we start?" Veloci smiled, "As soon as I can fight."

The Refractor was out of the hospital, and behind bars. It was around midnight, and he was in a light sleep. He heard a noise, and he sat up. There was nothing there. He laid back down, "Hello, Nick." The Refractor sat up again. He had heard that voice before, "Dwight? That you?" Suddenly, there he was. Right outside the bars. The Refractor was shocked, then scared. Dwight Howard walked through the bars and right up to him. "Dwight, what are you doing here? I thought you were still at the hospital?" "Nick, trust me, I don't want to do this, but I have no choice. I have no control over my actions." With that, The Phantom took over, and the whips snapped out, and got wrapped around The Refractor's neck. The Refractor tried to cry out, but the whips only got tighter, and the thorns dug into his neck, "End it!" said The Shade. "I'm sorry Nick!" said Dwight. His hands squeezed the handles, and the venom poured into the open wounds on The Refractor. Slowly, The Refractor sank to the ground. Dwight unwrapped the whips from The Refractor's neck. "I'm sorry Nick, I really am." Then Dwight began to cry. The Shade chuckled from within Dwight's head, "One down, one to go!"

The Spectrum will return!

The End

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