Chapter 08: The Falling Out

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Chapter 08

The Falling Out

Alex and Nick were watching the door to Neil Gordon's office when the talking ceased and the door opened. A blur shot out of the office at an incredible speed. "WHOA!!!" screamed Nick as it blew bast him, knocking him to the ground. Alex saw it to, and started chasing it, but it soon vanished out of sight.

Professor Wesley Kropp was taking a leisurely stroll through Yobi Tech, knowing that he would only be seen as a blur to the people around him, since the Quantum Time Brake was still activated. "Heh, I like that. Maybe I'll keep that name, Blur." It would have to recharge soon, but he still had a few more minutes. He sauntered out of there and went into the parking lot.

"THERE!!! IT'S STOPPED IN THE PARKING LOT!!!!" screamed Alex. Nick came over and looked out the window. The blur had stopped, and was standing still. Then, it became "unfuzzied" so to speak, and there stood the man that was watching them in Houston. "Check the boss's office." said Alex. Nick went in and stopped at the door. "Uh...Alex?" "Yeah?" "He's...uh...dead." Alex came over, and looked in. Neil Gordon was sitting at his desk, collapsed over paperwork that would never be finished. "Well, I'm not sad," said Nick,"He was a jerk anyway." "Oh come on Nick. You're better than that!" said Alex. "Yeah whatever. By the way, since it's just us up here now, I was wondering, should we really keep our powers a secret?" "WHAT? Nick, we've talked about this." "But Alex, with these powers, we wouldn't have to take orders from jerks like him anymore." Something was happening in Nick's eyes. They started growing darker. Alex noticed it, "Nick, what's gotten into you." "Alex, with these powers, WE'D be the boss, and we wouldn't have to be accountable to ANYBODY anymore. With these powers," Nick looked Alex in the eye,"We could rule the world." "NO!!!" screamed Alex. "So you won't come with me? How sad. I thought we understood each other." "Nick...please don't..." "Don't what Alex? Don't become the sole ruler of the world??? I've never had a chance like this before and not only are you refusing to come with me, but now you're telling me to not do it? I haven't showed you everything about my powers you know. I can travel to any reflective surface in the world once I'm inside! Good-bye Alex." Nick made a dash for the restroom. "NO!!!" Alex screamed, and ran after him. He dashed in behind Nick, "Too late Alex," came a voice from the mirror. Nick vanished from sight and Alex was alone once again.

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