Chapter 14: The Confrontation

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Chapter 14

The Confrontation

"Seriously, Jacob, are we lost?" "Chill Jared, I know exactly where we are." Jacob and Jared were two brothers from Lotus City, Alabama, on their way to visit some friends in Florence. They were currently lost, although Jacob would never admit it. Jacob was 19 years old and Jared was 17. Although he's younger, Jared is the smarter one (although, Jacob would never admit that either). "Where are we then?" "We are between the sky and the ground. Exactly where I knew we would be. If you want to know so bad, pull up your GPS." Jared sighed, and pulled out his phone. "Tropside." "HA! What kind of a stupid name for a town is that?" "So you didn't know that that's where we are?" Jared said slyly. "Oh whatevs smol child. Relax. I know du wey!"

"Look! Across the street!" shouted Nick. Blur and Veloci came running to the window. There, talking to the people across the street, stood Alex. "So that's who I need to bump off? Looks like fun!" said Veloci and he flexed his fingers to blades and back. "Hold it, Veloci. There will be time for that, but look at the people he's traveling with! This should be a walk in the park," said Blur. "No, things just got a whole lot more touchy," said Nick. "What are you talking about, Refractor?" Alex just looked at Kropp, "That girl is my younger sister." "Whoa, familly betrayal! This is something I haven't seen since my gang years!" said Veloci.

"Thank you, ma'am." The door closed, and Alex turned his attention to the house across the street from them. "Well, what did she say?" asked Leonard. Alex replied, "That's the place. She said the salesman went to that place right after hers. She was watching, and she said that a man sliced his stomach open, then dragged him back behind the house." "Well, that doesn't sound like Nick, but it's the only lead we've got." "Yo! Alex! Long time no see!" Alex looked over at the house, and Nick was standing there with the Blur and some other dude on either side, right outside the door. "Well," he said to Beatrice and Leonnard, "get ready." They all walked down to the sidewalk together, with Beatrice and Leonard on either side of Alex. "Well, here we are, Nick. Who are your friends?" Nick smiled, "Oh right! You haven't met my team. Allow me to introduce my associates, Blur and Veloci." "I recognize Blur here. He followed us from here to Las Vegas." "I wasn't following you, but you did manage to grab my attention the day I killed Neil Gordon." "I can see that. But who's this Veloci fellow?" "The one who will be the last thing you will see, just like that salesman fellow. No doubt that's how you found us," said Veloci. "CAR!!!" screamed Blur. Everyone looked down the road.

"WHOA!!! What's this, some sort of standoff?" said Jacob. Jared said nothing, and just sat there looking at one side, then the other. "Hey," said Jacob, "perhaps they know du wey out of here." "Don't ask them. They look like they're in the middle of something." Jacob ignored him and pulled up right in-between them, rolled down the window, and said to Alex, "Hey! Do ya know du wey?" Alex, Beatrice, and Leonard just looked at each other, then Leonard said, "Yeah, I know du wey." "Really Leonard?" said Beatrice. "Yup." "What are your names, boys?" asked Beatrice. "I'm Jacob, and this anti-social nerd here is my brother Jared." "What's your last name?" "Why should we tell you?" asked Jared. Beatrice was suddenly in the back of the car, "Because I'm a curious person," she answered. "S-s-Spectrum ma'am. Jacob and Jared Spectrum at your service," Beatrice warped back out of the car. "Get out of here. Trust me." "Yeah, good idea." Jacob floored it. Nick and his team were gone.

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