Chapter 05: The Start of Incredible Things

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Chapter 05

The Start of Incredible Things

Alex was shaken. Nick was standing in the mirror looking back at him. "Oh. My. Goodness." Nick stepped back out. "BRO!!! Isn't it totally legit!!!" "Yeah, uh...really...uh..." "What?" "Bro, check this out!" Nick came back out and looked in amazement at Alex's hands. They were clenched, and there was a light shaped like a blade around them. Nick touched the end of one, and jerked back in pain and astonishment. The light had cut his thumb to the bone. Alex unclenched his fist, and the "blade" shot off his fist like a rocket and dissapated when it hit the wall.

Beatrice Gorge was thinking. She was rounding up the last of the stereroid smugglers, but she couldn't stop thinking of that one man. That one man who was in the wrong place in the wrong time. The criminals were on the run. She had cought them as soon as they were about to inject themselves with the stereroids, and they all dropped their needles and ran. All except for one, who took off first with the syringe in his hand. She had chased them through back alley, after back alley. Then, they came out into the open and turned onto the sidewalk. There was a man there, walking towards the alley they came out of. He stopped and gawked at the bunch that had just appeared out of nowhere. The thug didn't stop. He ran by and stabbed the man with the syringe. The man screamed in pain and crumpled to the ground. The thug ran on. Beatrice stooped over him for just a second and said,"It will only get worse from here. Sorry I couldn't stop it sooner," and then went after the thug, leaving Officer Leonard Thorne on the ground with his life changed forever.

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