Chapter 10: The Third Member

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Chapter 10

The Third Member

"So, what do you plan to do, Refractor?" "Well, first, we know that Alex is going to try to stop me and that his powers are no joke. We'll have to find more help." Professor Kropp smiled. "I used to have contacts in the underworld when I was designing weapons for one of the gangs there. They were called the Serpents, and they were headed up by two brothers, Victor and Dimitri Ivanoff. Victor left a while back to go into street fighting, and he was very good at it. He still does occasional business for the gang as a hit man, but, he and Dimitri were both involved in an accident in a reptile lab a long time ago. You'll be surprised to see what Victor can do."

"So Nick has turned against us. That is bad news." said Officer Thorne. Beatrice couldn't speak. "Yeah, that's how I felt," said Alex, "but we have to stop him, no matter what." "Whoa, cliche." stated Leonard. "Oh jeez, get serious," said Beatrice. "We need names," Alex said. "What?" "We need cool hero names like all the others have." "I really don't see why we need names. I mean, I already have mine. It's Phase." "I got it!" exclaimed Alex, "I shall be called Convex." What about me?" asked Leonard. "Well, I guess we could call about Bruiser?" Thorne thought about it, then he nodded, "I'll accept that." "Now, what is Nick's next move?" "Well, probably the same as what we've just done. Get help."

Victor Ivanoff was undefeated in the realm of street fighting. His arms were covered with tattoos of heavy metal band logos, most of them Russian. His fights were to the death, and no one could best his skill with dual knives. His opponent, a big, hulking brute of a man, was armed with a machete. However, he didn't know what Victor could do. When the fight started he came in swinging. Victor jumped over him and slashed his back to shreds. As he fell, Victor yelled, "Does anyone else think that they can best me?" Nobody answered. "I thought so!" "Excuse me, but might I have a go?" Victor turned around, and there was a man around his age, but still not as slender. "Name your weapon!" shouted Victor. "I shall use no weapon but myself," said the challenger. Victor smirked, and stepped back into the ring. The fight started. Victor gave a slash, and the man disappeared. Victor went to check his teeth using the reflective surface of the knife, then he let out a gasp. The man was inside the knife staring at him. Victor dropped the knife and the man climbed out. Victor rushed up to him and suddenly had many blades at the challengers throat. "Don't think you can make a fool out of me! Your life ends here, idiot!" The challenger spoke, "I am here with Wesley Kropp."  Victor froze, then a smile crept onto his face. The challenger was scared, he was wondering where all five blades around his throat were coming from, because they were drumming on his neck. "I am here to hire you," he said. "We need help to dispatch someone." The blades released his neck, and Nick gasped. The blades were changing into Victor's fingers! "I'm in, if old Kropp is with you," said Victor, "but tell me, what is your name?" "My name is Nick Armoth, but you can call me The Refractor." "Very well then, Refractor. My name is Victor Ivanoff, but you can call me Veloci."

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