Chapter 19: Alive

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Chapter 19


The sewers were cold, dark, and filled with rats, like most others. There was a large room, and it was completely empty. Well, all except for one thing. There was a man, lying face down, amid the sewage. The back of his head was caked with dried blood, as was most of his body. He looked dead. His fingers were blades, and his teeth were serrated and bloody. His eyes opened. He gasped in air as rapidly as he could. He couldn't believe he was still breathing. After that big guy cracked down on his skull, he had thought he was dead. He had only passed out from the incredible amount of pain. He slowly got to his feet, and began to make his way back to the surface. Yes, Veloci was alive, and he was going home.

Dwight Howard paused. Did he really want to do this? Alex and Nick had been his greatest friends of all time, and now he was bent on killing them. He thought for a moment. Then, he heard a voice inside his head, "Don't think about it. Just do it." "Who's up there? This is my head and I'll think about whatever I want! They were my best bros!" "Key word. WERE. Not any more, right Dwight?" "Who are you, anyway?" "Don't you know?" "No, I don't. That's why I'm asking. Duh." "I'm The Shade." "Who?" The voice sighed, "I'm a piece of your brain that was affected from all that light coming in at once. When it hit, I gained a conscience of my own." "So, you're the one making me want to kill my friends? It wasn't their fault! I shoved them into the controls!" "SILENCE!!!" Dwight shut up. "Listen to me. I am in control, so I give the orders. Now MOVE!!!" Dwight walked up to Blur's old lab and went in. He went into the back, grabbed the key, and opened the safe. Inside was what looked like two whips, but they were covered in thorns. On them was a little note, "Venom Whips. To use, first puncture skin with attached thorns. Then, squeeze handle to inject Diamondback venom." "A bit overkill," said The Shade, "but they will work." "But, why?" asked Dwight. "Because I said so, Howard. I'm controlling your actions, but I sure wish I could gain control of your mouth. The rest of your brain is being very stubborn."

Veloci was back above ground. He had washed the blood off in a fountain and was currently in a phonebooth. He dialed and waited. The other end picked up, "Whattaya want?" "Hello, Boris." "Veloci? That you?" "Yeah. Listen, I'm a little beat up. I need a place to crash for a while so I can heal up. The Serpents ok with that?" "Let me talk to the boss-man. Be right back." Veloci waited for a few minutes, "Hey, you still there?" asked Boris. "Yeah." "Boss-man wants to talk to ya. He hasn't heard from ya in forever." Boris transfered the phone, and a man with a Russian accent answered. "Hello, Ivan." "Well, what do you know. How are you Dimitri." "Please. Dimitri is not my name anymore. Not since the incident that we were both involved in." "Yes, and remember, my name is no longer Ivan." "I remember, Veloci." Veloci grinned, "And I remember as well, Viper. When can you have some people get me? I have a proposal for you. Some people have really ticked me off. I think I might need your help for this." On the other side of the line, Viper smiled, showing fangs, "Oh, how I love those words."

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