Chapter 16: Chaos

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Chapter 16


Blur reactivated the device and charged, knocking Phase to the ground. "What's the matter, little girl?" Phase stood up again, only to be immidiately knocked down once more. "I haven't had this much fun in years!" She got back up, and when Blur started coming again, she smirked, and warped out of the way, letting Blur slam headfirst into the goal-post. It took him a few moments to recover, but he wasn't fast enough to avoid a hook to the temple and a low uppercut to the kidney. He stumbled to the side of the court, breathing hard. Phase smiled, "Nothing's the matter. I believe I'm having more fun than you now!"

Bruiser was getting tired of the sewers already, and he hadn't even been there 15 minutes. Suddelny, there was movement on his right. He went towards it, and suddenly, he found himself in a large empty room. Veloci was standing in the middle. "My gang used to use this place to store extra weapons, before we moved our base. Now, it's the perfect place for fights." Veloci turned and faced Bruiser, "Now, don't disappoint me. I'm expecting a lot from you! After all, it's been a while since we last met, that one night." Bruiser froze. He suddenly remembered the person's face. The one who had injected him. "Oh yes, Officer Thorne. If I would have injected myself, I would be able to do what you can do. Along with this." Veloci grinned, and slowly, his mouth began to grow. His teeth became like serrated knives, and his fingers had turned into blades. "I've been waiting for this for a long time, Thorne. If you weren't in the way, I would be so far beyond street fighting. If you weren't in the way," Veloci's voice started to rise, "I could have saved half of my gang. Now COME AT ME!!!" Bruiser was blinded by rage and confusion. He was angry and puzzled at the same time. "Why didn't you keep the syringe and use it later?" "Because if that Phase girl hadn't have stopped to lean over you, she would have seen me duck down into the Philadelphia sewer system. I needed a diversion, and now's my chance to collect my revenge." Bruiser lost it. He expanded to full size and charged. Veloci was surprised, but recovered quickly, however, not quickly enough to escape Bruiser's flailing arm. He was knocked down, but he smiled, then bared his teeth, "Now the REAL fun begins." Then he launched himself into the fray.

Convex looked around in wonder. He was in a room, but it had no floor, but he was standing on something. He looked down, but there was nothing. He took a step, and something was holding his weight, but he couldn't see it. He looked to his sides, and it looked like windows into every country on the planet. "Amazing, isn't it!" said a familiar voice. Convex turned around, and saw The Refractor walking away from him, and disappearing into one of the windows. Convex walked up and looked through. It looked vaguely familiar. He tried stepping through, but was knocked back with an astounding force. "Ugh, right," he muttered to himself. He clenched his fists and ripped a hole. He stepped out, and found himself in the silvering room at Krumpton Mirror Co. There, standing among the hundreds of assembled mirrors, was The Refractor. "But, how? This place was reduced to ashes?" asked Convex. The Refractor smiled, and said, "I'm surprised you haven't figured it out, Alex. The other side of a mirror is like a bridge between everything. Not only can one travel between any place in the world that has a reflective surface, but one can travel anywhere in TIME that has a reflective surface." Convex's jaw dropped. "That's right Alex. We are in the place where we got our powers, before we got our powers!" "But why?" "Because I could, Alex. I want to make this experience as painful for you as possible." The Refractor suddenly screamed in pain. One of Convex's blades had grazed the side of his head. The Refractor grinned, "Good. Now all thoughts of me sparing you have vanished."

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