Chapter 01: The Beginning of Complicated Matter

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Chapter 01

The Beginning of Complicated Mattter

Just like all the other mornings, everyone was heading to wherever they worked. It wasn't a big city, but it wasn't exactly a small, rural town either. It was somewhere in between. But in this town, a tremendous battle took place. Oh come now, I'm getting ahead of myself. Lets start at the beginning.

It was just another typical Thursday morning in the small city of Tropside, Alabama. Everyone was on their way to work and looking forward to a nice weekend. Alex K. Everett and his roommate Nick C. Armoth were on their way to the Krumpton Mirror Co. where they both worked. They were expecting a new shipment today, and it was going to be a big one. "Where are they coming from?" asked Nick. "It's supposed to be from a big, important glass company from Phoenix. Management wasn't that specific." replied Alex. "Ah. Well, I guess we'll find out when we get there." said Nick.

Meanwhile, in the suburbs, a troubled, not too friendly, but brilliant scientist was trying to make a major breakthrough to save his home, which was foreclosing in two months time. Professor Wesley Kropp was studying time, and very close to inventing something that would hopefully make him famous. He was calling it, the Time Slower-Downer Thingy (he was never good with names). Right there, in his makeshift lab, he was so close to completing it, but there was one thing that he didn't have. He didn't have the most advanced microchip in town, and he certainly couldn't afford it anyway. He was devastated, but there was no way that he was going to give up now...

"Hey! Alex! Nick! Ya late!!!!" "Oh dear, we're dead," said Nick Armoth in mock fear. That loud, booming voice came from Dwight Howard, the guy who singlehandidly did all the loading and unloading for the Krumpton Mirror Co., and was proud of it. Alex and Nick looked like twigs next to a Baobab tree when he came over. "When are you guys ever gonna get here on time?" said Dwight. Although he could snap your neck with one hand, he was the friendliest guy at the company. "Probably never!" answered Alex with a light-hearted tone. Dwight laughed like an earthquake and gave them both a shove that almost sent them crashing into the shipment that arrived this morning. "Whoa! Sorry there little guys!" said Dwight. He had made a true statement. Alex and Nick were anything but burly, and they weren't quite sure how they got hired here.

The alarm bells were ringing, and the police were on their way. Corbin Tech had been robbed of it's most valuable piece of equipment, the PXK-2000 microchip. Wesley Kropp had dropped by and, as one of their most faithful customers, was allowed right in to the "New Merchandise" area, where VIP's get the first chance to buy the newest technology. He had come in about an hour earlier than anyone else and had hacked into their security database before he got there, downing all security cameras and locks. Right now he was safely at home, installing the PXK-2000 into the Time Slower-Downer Thingy.

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