Chapter 4 : Happy Birthday.

Start from the beginning

So he had more than enough time to spare, And it was a waste not to spend some relaxing days in that little cabin in the woods, He was just laying down under the tree shades and enjoying the sunlight sneaking its way between the leafs for most part of the days.

Just for a little while, Until he finish treating the little girl, which shouldn't take more than 3 other days, He can forget about all his problems and enjoy the gentle breeze and the beauty of this forest.

After finishing his check-up and taking care of the kid, He took his horse for a run around the woods, Just to explore it a little more, He reached a forest road deep inside, one that was leading back to town and going even further into the forest.

" where does the other side lead to.. A mining site maybe..." He decided to follow the road a bit seeing where it leads 

He suddenly heard small trucks coming from The town side, He quickly jumped back into the woods and hid behind the tree leafs, four trucks passed.

Each one had 2 people inside the vehicle , 5-6 sitting in the back of the truck all equipped, And one was sitting on top of it with a heavy machine-gun, These Pickup trucks are called "Technicals" , They became more famous and frequently used after the breakouts. 

All of them were wearing the same outfit, So Logan knew they belonged to a group of bandits most likely, so getting caught now is bad news.

Many people refusing to live inside districts or getting kicked out from them join these kind of groups, They only increase in numbers each passing day.

People need to stick together for any chance of survival on the outside world, Be it a bunch of bandits or small moving communities or some form of alliance between teams, Or some individuals working together, building their own fences and living their way.

People outside districts still exist and they manage to live, one example is the little girl Logan found living alone next to Candus city.

Logan waited out the passing trucks, he waited for the cars to get far enough that he only saw the cloud of dust they left behind to come out. Many people were taking the abandoned area these days. they are finding more ways to get around it. They are certainly adapting to this lifestyle.

He then headed back to the cabin, Checked on the little girl, She was still there sleeping. He turned to the bookshelf next to her bed, and was going to choose one to read.

What he really wanted to read was her notebook, Her 'Lost diaries' , But now, Knowing the girl there is probably the one named Lily. He was hesitating, He didn't want to be intruding anymore than he already did.

"But she was talking about saving Humanity on her notebook... What does she mean... Is she just messing around with whoever finds that book"

He really tried to stop himself, But he couldn't resist the temptation any longer, He wanted to know, What was she talking about, It sounded too serious to be a joke.

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