"You're pretty great Cal." I gently rub one of his cheek bones with my thumb.

"Yeah, you're not too bad yourself." I smile at his words before leaning him and kissing him.

My brain is screaming me that there is no need for this, You two are suppose to act like a couple around people not when you were alone but there was no way I could listen since all I was focused on was the way Calum's lips felt on my own.

Calum gently lays me down and manoeuvres himself so that he was laying in between my legs. One of his hands is placed on the side of my head so that he can support some of his body weight, his other hand is holding my waist while his thumb has slipped under my top and is rubbing small circles over my lower stomach.

My hands find there way up the back of his t-shirt, his skin is smooth and hot against my hands and I can feel all the evidence of his work outs as my hands run themselves up and down his back. The kiss is only becoming hungrier and all I can do is happily oblige as he deepens the kiss.

I'm beginning to wonder where exactly this going to lead to but I don't have long to think about it because Calum's phone starts ringing.

"Cal." I murmur against his lips.

"Mhm?" Calum mumbles back in response.

"Your phone." I move my hands to the front of his shoulders and lightly push him back breaking the kiss.

"Just let it ring." Calum shrugs before pecking my lips.

"It could be important." I say and he lets out a sigh before sitting up and fishing his phone out of his pocket. "It's Luke." Calum says looking at the caller I.D. I let out a small laugh, of course it was.

"This better be good Lucas." Calum says into the phone.

Calum has a small frown on his face as he listens to whatever it is that Luke is saying. "Really? Why?" Another pause. "Seriously." Calum chuckles making me smile. I reach up and poke Calum in the cheek and he grins down at me. "Don't." He tells me and I giggle. "No Luke I'm talking to Genie." Calum rolls his eyes and moves the phone slightly away from his ear. "Luke Says hi."

"Hi blondie." I say raising my voice so that he can hear.

"If you must know we were just making out." Calum tells him making me hit him. "He asked." Calum defends.

"Okay yeah thanks for that Luke, See ya." Calum hangs up the phone and chucks it in on my bed. "Luke really needs to get better timing."

"I actually think it was pretty good considering I have to go to work." I tell Calum and he groans before moving off me. I get up off of my bed and straighten myself out.

"Are we still going to pack later?" I ask Calum who's flicking through his phone.

"If we have to." Calum smirks.

"We do." I take my bag off of the hook on my door before pulling on a pair of flats.

"Then I guess we still are." Calum looks back at me.

"Okay well I will see you later."

"Have fun at work." Calum says as I walk out of my room.

"Have fun with yourself." I yell to him walking to the front door.

"Don't worry I will." Is the last thing I hear before leaving the apartment and going to work.


I was working the register today and I had to say I was happy about that because I really could not be bothered going from table to table.

"Hey can I get a orange juice please?" I meet the eyes of a young guy. He was blonde and quite tall, which reminded me of Luke.

"Glass or bottled?" I ask politely.

"Um bottled." He replies and I nod before going to the fridge and grabbing an orange juice out and taking it back to the guy.

"$2.50 right?" He asks and I nod. For some reason he seemed really familiar but I couldn't remember why. He hands me a $5 note and I thank him before getting his change together.

"So you're Genie." I look at him a little confused but then when I see Kyle sit back down at his table, I suddenly remember why this guy seemed so familiar to me, he was Kyle's friend. I had noticed them come in earlier.

"I sure am." I smile handing him his change. He mumbles a thanks and goes to walk away but stops and turns back around.

"I think we both know that Kyle Would be able to treat then your boyfriend can." I'm a big taken back at what this guy had just said, who did he think he was.

"Excuse me?" I frown at him and he shrugs. "Just saying." He walks back over to their table leaving me fuming.

What a dick.

Who actually would say something like that to someone that they knew nothing about. I knew Calum and I weren't actually dating but it pissed me off that he would just say something like that.

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now