{Chapter Fifty Eight}

Start from the beginning

"Thank you Fell, stay here just in case okie!?" Blue said still whispering and once again Fell nod. Blue soon went back inside to Ink, hiding the knife.

"Hey Ink! Sorry that took a while..I just realized that I needed to go shopping for supplies to make tacos, hehe. I will go shopping tomorrow or later today."

" Okay..." Ink look at Blue with a smile, "I chose the outfit."

Blue sat down on the bed and slip the knife under his pillow as he look at the three outfit. "Oh really!? Which on is it!!"

"This one." Ink pointed at a light blue dress that had red, yellow, black, and a darker blue in a simply adorable pattern.

"Awh! It remind me of Error!!"

"Really? "


Ink went closer to Blue with the dress, "Do you want help to put the dress on?"

"Uhm..no not really why?"

"I was just offering Blue." Ink got extremely near, the door slowly open not catching the attention of Ink but Blue's. "Blue?" Ink asked as Blue look at him.


"Do you hate me?"


"Don't lie to me! You do hate me...hehehe well..you WILL hate me after this."

"H-huh?" Blue was a bit confused until he realized that Ink somehow wrapped the dress around Blue's neck. Making the tie strong and harsh.

"H-hey stop!" Blue spoke as he struggled to escape.

Ink grabbed a nearby cloth and cover Blue 'nose' and mouth and shoved Blue against the bed.

"MMMFHHH!!" Blue started screaming and Ink continue to choke Blue with the outfit. He couldn't believe it was that simple to get rid of him.

Blue gripped on the cloth to take it off, before he put his hand underneath his pillow and grabbed the handle of the knife. He started to move left and right trying to get Ink off or become a bit weak.

Fell was looking panic and concern growing on him but he knew Blue probably had something planned. Right now he's just guarding the door and making sure Error won't notice.

Blue soon manage to flip Ink down to pin him down. Blue took the dress of his neck and grabbed the knife (since he placed that down when he took the dress off.)  Ink tried getting control but soon stopped once he saw the knife aimed above him.

Ink decided to call Error up with a loud "ERROR BLUE IS GOING TO K-MFFFFffffgghfggGGGG!!!" But only to have Blue muffle Ink at the end.

"You're not making him come."


Fell look down the stairs to see Error staring at him, "Fell what's happening?"

"Something Error, just let me handle this okay?"

"No! I heard Ink scream something about Blue, I need to check on them!"

"Error, I will check for you okay? And if Blue is hurt I'll bring you up okay!?" Fell is trying his best to convince Error to not go to the room.


Blue aim the knife closer to Ink, "Hehe, you really thought that you could kill me that easily? Well think again." Blue raise the knife high up and was about to stab Ink until the door slammed open by Error.

"BLUE!? WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HAPPENING HERE?" Error yelled as Blue jumped in surprise, he look over and got off of Ink. Going closer to Error still clutching the knife that was almost going to get bloody if Error didn't interfere.

"Error please leave, now." Blue spoke as Error didn't obey.

"I'm staying here."


"I SAID I'M STAYING." Blue hiss slightly as he glare Error down, "Love, please leave! Can you please do that small task??"


~ Meanwhile with Fell ~

He curse himself that he got himself stuck in this place. Actually no, it was Error. Oh? The reader are probably confused on what's happening well that simple to resolve.

Error used his string on Fell and now Fell is tied by his strings, and is just hanging in the ceiling. Now that's going to be a good greet; "Whats up?" "The ceiling"

Fell manage to be able to move one arm, he tried to see if he had anything to help him get out of this. He soon gave up with a sigh.

Sorry that I unpublished this! It's because I accidentally clicked PUBLISH when it wasn't completed!
So have this long chapter! 1000+ words!
Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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