I brushed my teeth for the hundredth time today and Ian helped me walk over to the bed much to my dismay..I don't want his help! But I also can't walk to well right now so...

Ian also had to help me drink some water I was going to protest but I also knew I wouldn't win so I quietly sipped my water until Bell came to the other side of me with another plate of toast.

"You need to eat a few bits" she said quietly.

"Why does she need toast" Ian asked.

"Why do you ask so many questions?" Bell snapped.

Ian glared at her.

I love Bell but we're kidnapped and those dudes are huge and could probably kill her, I'm surprised they haven't already with her yelling at them all the time...I wish I had her kind of bravery...even if she is a little stupid.

That went on for a couple more days me eating toast and some soups here and there until I could walk around a bit and eat a bit more.

Ian and Micheal were in and out during those days. All while me and Bell were coming up with a way of escape.

"Now that you're feeling a bit better we need to talk" Ian said.

"What makes you think we want to talk" Bell said.

"I don't care if you don't we still need to talk" Ian said getting right up close to Bell's face I guess he's trying to intimidate her? But for some reason I got a little jealous...

"Well it's late let Evan rest for one more day then we can talk"

I watched as Bell and Ian had a stare down but I saw Bell was nervous she was shaking a bit.

"You can rest tomorrow" Ian said.

"Look at her" she said pointing to me "she looks like a raccoon with those bags! Shes exhausted let her rest" Bell argued and Ian looked at me his eyes softening.

 You know what I'm not even gonna be mad at that raccoons are cute so I'm gonna take it as a compliment.

"Are you tired" he asked.

I nodded I knew what Bell was doing she needs us alone so we can put our plan into action.

"Fine you rest tonight we can talk in the morning" he said and shut the door.

I turned to Bell.

"Let's go"

I nodded I started getting up but fell. Bell caught me holding me to her side supporting me we walk to the window it's locked I turned to Bell and she nodded.

I mumbled the incantation and the window clicked signaling it was now unlocked. Bell smiled opening the window.

"Can you morph" she asked.

"I can"

"But you can't fly can you" I shrugged "even if you could fly you could probably only carry yourself" she sighed and put me and her over the edge

Mumbling a spell me and Bell jumped using the wind to slow down our fall. She mumbled another incantation and morphed into a white tiger. She moved her head motioning me to get on her back. I did and she started running.

A white tiger was her favorite animal so it was the only one she actually learned how to change into properly.

We'd been running about 20 minutes when she stopped. I got off and she changed back.

"Man why didn't I run more in school" she said breathing heavy.

"I said the same thing when I was escaping"

The Wolf and The WitchWhere stories live. Discover now