Vol 1 Chap 17 - Reader Le XiaoTing truly pitied the Third Prince

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When she saw the stained cables, Le XiaoTing got panicked and grabbed the cable, stupidly thinking to wipe the stain. Predictably, she got electrocuted. In her mind, she cursed the tech department for ignoring her request to hide her wires from plain view on her desk!

When she finally wakes up, she felt embarrassed and ashamed. But those feelings were not needed when she found herself in a totally different place with a totally different body.

Her face was spotted with this expression (ʘ ʖ̯ ʘ) for a long time before turning to 。゜゜('O') ゜゜。expression.

Xiao Hua let out a loud sigh, not afraid that it would be heard by anyone. She was alone in the room, sprawled over the soft bed accompanied by her misery. The pillow was surprisingly comfortable, unlike those hard pillows used for props in a movie. The bedding to cover the hard bed underneath was unexpectedly thick and soft. A thin and smooth blanket came along with it in a matching design and it was remarkably warm enough to keep the cold wind away.

Perhaps if she tried to get a thunder to strike her, she can go back? But the fearful Xiao Hua would never attempt it even if there might be a possibility that it might work.

Could she escape death if she chooses to help the hero and heroine? In the novel, the author had written that the heroine helped her people, but if they have thoughts that they should not have, they will be discarded in a terrible way.

Xiao Hua could accept that reasoning, even if it works extremely well in making sure no one dared to betray her.

But she was not willing to jump into their ship mainly because of the hero! The Second prince was the perfect example of handsome, powerful, and arrogant! Most novels' male lead was just like him!

He would not hesitate to sacrifice his servants if it could save himself or his beloved waifu! Even the two maids that the hero had chosen to protect the heroine were told to sacrifice themselves so that the heroine can escape from danger!

Xiao Hua had no choice but to give up on seeking a safe haven from the hero and heroine. Now, she can only stay with the weak Third prince. Maybe she can encourage the Third prince to get stronger?

Xiao Hua sighed yet again, feeling it was a hopeless and difficult task. All she wanted was to go home, why was it so difficult ah?!

"What is this prince's maid worried about?"

Xiao Hua bolted upright and spotted the Third prince sitting at the end of the bed, looking gorgeous as ever. The sun was setting down, casting shadows into the room from her window. There was a tall but thin tree right outside the window, and its shadow danced on the Third prince's frame, forming beautiful scenery to be admired.

Wait, what am I thinking? Xiao Hua mentally slapped her 'Love Beautiful Things' side away and focused on the main issue.

"Third Prince, what orders do you have for this servant?" Xiao Hua quickly composed herself.

"There's no order. This prince is here to see if you are doing well. But you look as if something troubles you."

"Nothing troubles this servant!" Her chin was grabbed and forced to tilt upward to look at the Third Prince.

The Third Prince was frowning as if he had seen something that he disapproved of. "You are about to cry."

Had you ever experience the time when you were depressed and then someone asked if you are crying even when you were fighting to hold back your tears? Then you feel something inside you was freed and you started to cry?

That was what occurred to Xiao Hua now. She tried to hold it in, but she failed as the body wanted to vent her frustration.

How embarrassing! (*/▽\*)

"Prince, please let go of me!" Xiao Hua tried to turn her face away but the grip on her chin was unyielding but strangely the grip was not painful at all.

She stopped struggling when the Third prince suddenly used his thumb to wipe her tears. His touch was gentle as he patiently wiped her tears away without recoiling from the dirtiness.

"Now, tell this prince what bothers you."

This young lady almost forgets her problems because of you!

"Why does Your Highness wish to know? I am only a servant, someone that a prince does not need to concern with."

"You are my personal servant. Your concerns will affect me because your attention should only be on me."

Dear Ikemen, do you know your words make this lady's heart beating like crazy?! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

"My worries will not affect my duty to you, Your Highness."

This beautiful prince, can you move your head away?! You are too close!

Xiao Hua could see the Third prince's face clearly from such a close distance. A man, with such a beautiful face, along with smooth and glowing skin was almost unfair. What did he eat and wash his face to have this beautiful skin?

"You don't trust this prince?" His voice was surprisingly soft and calming yet it gave off a dangerous feeling that makes Xiao Hua cautious.

"T-This servant don't dare."

"Then tell this prince your troubles." The third prince let out a peal of alluring laughter. "You are pretty daring, to make this prince begs you."

"No! I-I mean-"

"Speak," the Third prince cut her off with a demanding tone.

"I'm just worried about you!"

Oh dear, why did she say it that way?! It's open to many interpretations! Σ(°ロ°)

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