Chapter XXVI

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Princess Euphemia quietly approached the steps to the throne and curtsied. "Your Majesty."

"Come up, dear child." King Regis smiled brightly at his young daughter. Euphemia reluctantly stepped up to the throne and sat on the floor beside her father's legs. "Why have you come?"

Euphemia stared into the windows surrounding the pair with confusion. "Why am I here...? The Citadel... I thought..."

"You're trapped, my dear." King Regis leaned forward, placing a cold hand on his daughter's shoulder. "Fear not...You've been through an incredible ordeal."

"I'm trapped here...?" She shook her head. "That can't be possible. You're..."

"You're trapped in between life and death. Your heart isn't quite sure where to go. I've been called here by my ancestors to guide you."

"Right..." Mia looked up toward her father. "The calling of the King is to protect the Angel. I suppose that meant any king..." Mia flinched as a tear slipped down her cheek.

"What is it, my darling...?" King Regis pulled his daughter onto his knee. She sat atop his lap and wrapped her arms around her father, as she once had in her toddling years.

"The last thing I remember was... Noctis begging me to stay. To not leave him." Mia began to tremble at the thought of Ardyn's face. "I didn't want to stay, Papa..."

"This world needs its angel, my love." King Regis whispered into his child's ear. "You mustn't give in. You mustn't die yet."

"I can't go on. He's still out there!" She sobbed.

"Euphemia... You're incredibly powerful, and so brave..." He leaned back and stared into her eyes lovingly. "Did you know, you were the first of the Lucian line to be born with blonde hair? And only one of two women to ever be born into our house?" Euphemia shook her head gently. "That was the first sign that told us you were a unique little one. Then, we found out about your fever." He learned downward. "Now, the fever is a permanent part of the angel, however... A prospect who cannot live through her first few days of life, will prove unworthy of that title. We weren't sure you'd survive, however... You pulled through, and began to come into power as the angel you were always destined to be." King Regis chuckled lightly. "There's still hope, my darling."

"I may have survived then, but... I can't do this. I can't pull through. Not this time."

"And the boy... The one you love. You'd abandon him as well?"

"It's not like I could marry him. He has no noble blood. He's just a Crownsguard. And I... I fell in love with him knowing I could never be with him forever."

"That's entirely untrue, Euphemia..." He wrapped one arm around the girl and brought her in closely. "Your mother was just an ordinary citizen. A girl I met at a Summit before my father passed on." He closed his eyes. "Oh... How I loved your mother. I missed her every moment after her passing. I wanted... Nothing more than happiness for my children." He looked toward his daughters eyes. Tears streamed down the King's face, while Euphemia began to sob gently. "Please, my darling.... Live."


Noctis sat beside his younger sister quietly. He gripped her hand gently as he flipped the pages of his book. For the first time in weeks, he found he was able to focus on the story he'd been reading. Although he worried deeply for Euphemia's condition, having her here, safe, and alive was all that mattered. In the past week, Noctis managed to negotiate sanctuary for his sister in Altissia. Accordo was incredibly generous in harboring a princess, whom the empire hunted relentlessly after her escape.

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