Chapter XIX

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Euphemia landed softly on the roof of the conference room. Just the day before, she bore witness to an Imperial Envoy's arrival at the Citadel. He'd come simply to offer terms of peace to the King of Lucis. Euphemia hadn't been allowed in the throne room at the time, however, she paid her limits no mind. She simply listened from the edge of one of the windows, where she'd landed secretly and quietly, just as she had on this day. A part of her wished she hadn't heard the terms, for she found her brother was to be married off, and she was expected to be turned into the Empire's custody. Having heard such terrifying news, she fully intended on listening in to the council's meeting. She had to know whether or not her father would accept. As she brought her ear close to the nearby vent, she was shocked to hear the council arguing loudly amongst themselves.

"We are losing this war, Your Majesty! Lucis cannot rely on the Kingsglaive alone! Accepting the Truce may be our best course of action."

"The Princess is a child!"

"She is more than a Princess, she is our Angel!"

"How can we expect our King to sign away his only daughter? They'll destroy her for all she is!"

"We cannot be certain of this!"

"Your Majesty, please! We must continue to fight!"

"We're on our last legs, Griselda. We must accept this truce!"

"And invite darkness into our world? Who knows that they'll do to her!"

"You speak of matters beyond the new wall! We have no need of a truce here, so long as it stands! And if your position worsens... We still have the Old Wall."

"The Old Wall? What will stone soldiers do for us after the Angel has gone? Without the Crystal, there is no Old Wall!"

"This truce will end the fighting all together! If only... we could compromise."

"Compromise is unwise." Euphemia recognized the man's voice to be that of Clarus Amicitia, the father of Gladiolus and Iris. "We know nothing of Niflheim's true intentions... both for the Princess, and Lucis itself. Do not fool yourselves... the walls are far from impenetrable. They will find a way to take her, whether we agree to it or not."

"Enough!" King Regis's voice boomed through the vents. Silence followed. "The paths left to us are few. The New Wall draws its power from the throne. I draw my power from the Crystal. And the Crystal... draws power from my daughter. Without her, we will no longer be safe from their fleets, nor their murderous intent. I am able to sustain the wall for some years yet... If the Kingdom requires it. But... The Chancellor spoke one truth. We are old!" He paused. "And the Old Wall... I cannot command the Old Wall with a weakened hand. My son is not ready. I do not have the strength to muster an offensive to turn the tide on this war." Euphemia listened as the group remained silent, awaiting his decision. "I cannot sell my daughter away, nor will I ever. My children are precious to me, and I will do all it takes to protect them."

"Then let the choice be made, Your Majesty." Clarus spoke out. "What are we to protect? Your daughter...? Or our home?"

"Mia, may I have a moment?" Ignis tapped the young girl's shoulder, distracting her from her focus on the land beyond the windows of the train. She looked over at him, originally intending on remaining silent. She realized however, that Ignis could no longer see that he'd gotten her attention.

"Yes, what's up?" She looked down as he handed her his phone.

"It chimed. It sounds important. What is it?" He asked as she took the phone from him.

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