Chapter XXI

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Noctis peered from behind a building at a lone Imperial guard, enjoying a meal on a nearby park bench. Nearly no one was around, as it was incredibly dark in Gralea, and many remained holed in their houses for fear of daemons rising from the shadows. "He's on his own..."

Gladiolus nodded from behind him. "Okay. Let's get some answers out of him."

Noctis pointed toward a tree nearby. Gladio followed his command and tiptoed around the large trunk. Slowly, he snuck up behind the grunt and wrapped his hand over his mouth, swinging his other arm around the man's neck. He pulled tightly, bringing the man to the ground with ease. Slowly, Noctis approached from the other side and bent down in front of him.

As the Imperial guard screamed to no avail, Noctis held a finger to his own lips. "Quiet, or he'll break your neck." He raised his eyebrows and nodded encouragingly. The man struggled, causing Gladio to grip his neck tighter. He drew a pained groan from the man. "You ready to talk to me?" Noctis nodded encouragingly.

Shakily, the soldier nodded. Gladio let go of his mouth, allowing him to cough in response. "King Noctis..."

Noctis chuckled. "Don't act surprised. And don't you dare try and fight this, or I'll fucking beat you down." He leaned forward. "Understand?"

"What do you want from me...?" The man strained. "I don't know anything, I swear!"

"Shut up, and let him talk." Gladiolus growled in his ear.

Noctis clicked his tongue and shook his head. "You know, I think you're lying." He smirked. "Lemme refresh your memory." Noctis threw a punch directly into the man's nose. He felt the bone crack beneath his knuckles. Gladio swiftly covered his mouth as he screamed. "Coming back to you yet? Or you want me to do it again?" Noctis closed a fist, revealing bloody knuckles.

The man coughed. "What the hell is your problem?!"

"Where..." Noctis leaned forward once more. "Is my sister?" He grasped the back of the man's hair tightly and pulled his head back, tightening his bodyguard's grip around his neck. "I know you know where she is, so why don't you tell me?" He punched the man across the face. "Where is she?!"

As Noctis expected, the man's strength began to waver. As he lifted his fist once more, the soldier whimpered. "She's..." he coughed.

"Where?!" Noctis punched him again. "Spit it out!"

"She's in a top secret place! Please! Only the higher ups know where she's being held." He gasped. "I don't know where she is." He gagged. "They're planning on using her power for the Chancellor! T-that's all I know! Please!"

"What else?! Talk!" Gladiolus squeezed his neck harder as he growled.

"They're going to..." His eyes fluttered. Noctis gave Gladio the signal to let up. He released his neck slightly. "They prepared an arsenal... They're going to break her down and make her a slave to them when they're done with her."

"You... You son of a bitch." Noctis looked down toward his blade. He clenched a fist, unable to bear the thought of losing his sister to their sworn enemy. He scoffed, his anger boiling inside of him. "Now that you've seen my face, you know I can't let you get away."

"Don't do this, man."

"Sorry, but... You're one of them. You and your little friends are torturing the Princess. Aren't you?" He shook his head and lifted his sword as he stood. "It's nothing personal."


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