Chapter XXIII

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Day 17

Prompto wriggled through his restraints to the best of his ability, his eyes intent on Euphemia, who hung silently before him. She hadn't moved all night. Her breathing was shallow and labored. He could hear the mucus rattling from the infection in her chest. Only her occasional cries allowed him to know she was alive. For how much longer, he did not know. He was terrified of losing the Princess to the empire. After all this time in their cell, he'd still never taken his eyes off of her, so much so, that he continuously struggled to reach her to no avail. His wrists had begun to bleed profusely over the last two weeks, leaving his hands and arms bloodied and slippery. He was sure that with the weight he'd lost, and the blood seeping from his wrists, that he could slip himself away from his bindings. He was correct, for his right arm was soon free. He reached over toward his other arm and unlocked the other cuff with ease. He then planted himself on the ground and rushed toward Mia, collapsing in front of her. "Mia... Mia!" He grasped her cheeks. "I'm out. I'm out. Can you hear me...?" He reached up toward her chains, finding they were nothing like his. There was no lock or lever in sight. To make matters worse, her bindings had been so tight, her bleeding, infected skin had begun to heal around the bindings. He turned his attention toward her ankles. They were bolted to the ground by chains. There was no hope of setting her free. All of the possibilities of what he could do to help her rushed through his head. Despite all the outcomes, only one method seemed plausible. "I have to go..." He whispered. "Mia, I have to find them. I have to go."

Mia shook her head slowly. "Don't leave me... Please don't leave me..." She wept, unable to lift her head.

"Mia, look at me." Prompto held her face in his hands ever so delicately. Her eyes reflected the exhaustion throughout her body. Ardyn's ruthless torture, day after day, put the young princess into a state of horror, fear, and humiliation. Prompto couldn't bear to see it. He swallowed his tears and stroked her cheek with his thumb gently. "I'm going to get you out. I promise."

"Prom, please... Don't go." She cried, her eyes filled with terror.

Prompto pursed his lips and stifled his tears as he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. She was cold to the touch, even in his loving kiss. He pulled back as he stared into her eyes, his own teeming with love for her. "I'm going to save you. I promise you, Mia." Prompto stood up swiftly. He launched all of his weight into the cell door, cracking open the latch and lighting the way to freedom.


Euphemia listened helplessly for hours as alarms blared throughout the facility. She sat in wait, praying Prompto wouldn't be caught, and then murdered for his escape attempt. After a while, the cell grew silent, and Prompto didn't return. Now unable to remain awake any longer, Mia hung her head back down. Before she could even close her eyes, the cell doors opened, revealing Ardyn standing before her. He stepped forward and bent down in front of her. She shook her head gently, giving Ardyn an opening to grab her chin. He looked down on her, as if she was nothing more than a pest in a trap. "Look at you... Left behind by the one you love." He smirked. "In truth, I'm glad he chose to leave you. Now..." He leaned forward, close to her ear as he whispered, "It's just you and I..."

"Please... Please..." She begged. "No more..."

"Now, now, Euphemia. You're covered in your own waste. You reek of death. Why don't we take a bath, hm?" Three guards stepped into the room behind Ardyn, a large, high pressure hose in hand. He waved toward them, smiling viciously as Mia soon gave up her pleas. "Go on. Wash her off."

Jewel of Lucis | FFXV Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang