Chapter V

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Euphemia carefully observed her posture in the reflection of the Citadel window. She straightened her shoulders and turned to the side. After finding her stance was acceptable, she nodded to herself and reached toward the doors to the throne room. Slowly and carefully, she opened the door. At the very top of the staircase, she found her father, sitting up straight with each hand along the armrests of the throne. She bowed her head and placed her hands behind her back. "You called for me, Your Majesty?"

"Euphemia." King Regis smiled out of sheer pride for his daughter. "Lift your head, child. Come to me."

Euphemia did as she was told. She tiptoed her way up the stairs until she reached her father's platform. "What's this about?" She stood awkwardly, the pain of her wounds still causing discomfort. Having been her first time out of bed in two weeks, she found she could hardly stand for too long before exhaustion kicked in.

"Sit." King Regis gestured to the chair beside him, that had been brought to the throne room for this purpose. Euphemia sat down and placed her hands on her lap carefully. "How are you, darling?"

Euphemia looked into her father's eyes, unable to hide her emotion from him. "I remember everything. The pain when they cut into me." She placed her hand on her stomach gently. "Everyone was screaming and shouting at each other. I could feel weight on my body, and I couldn't move. It was...Torture."

King Regis pursed his lips and placed his hand atop his youngest child's. "I'm so very sorry, Euphemia. Please understand this was the only way to save your life." He watched with sorrow as Euphemia looked away from him, closing her eyes. "You do remember how important you are to this world, do you not?"

Euphemia scoffed. "Of course I do." She clasped her hands together to avoid any fidgeting. "I've been hearing it my whole life. I've dedicated my entire life to this power." She pinched the skin of her knuckles gently.

King Regis removed her hand away from the other, and squeezed her delicate fingers gently. "Then you must understand that with your innocence and purity comes great danger." He narrowed his eyes to ensure she was listening to him. "You can be easily corrupted, my love. You are the purest life the line of Lucis has ever seen, and we must keep it that way."

"You're telling me this as if you think I'll turn away from the light, Dad." She shook her head gently, blinking. "I'm not going to do that."

"I know you would not turn away at your own will, Euphemia." Regis looked away from her. "That is not my concern. My concern is that some day... You will fall into the wrong hands. You'll become a slave to whosoever seeks your power and your vessel. They will not hesitate to break your spirit. Mark my words, Euphemia... They will do whatever it takes."

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Euphemia turned her body toward him. "Who was it that shot me?"

"The man who shot you was no one important, however..." Regis looked into his daughter's eyes with deep concern. "He was working for Niflheim. He was a spy, sent in, not to kill you, but to take you to Emperor Aldercapt."

"What would they have done to me...?" Euphemia's eyes widened with fear.

"I do not know, my darling." Regis pinched the bridge of his nose gently. "I spoke with your brother a long time ago, regarding you and your power. I've ordered him to protect you at any cost, and to ensure no one can find you and take you away." King Regis placed his frail hand on Euphemia's cheek. "This world cannot lose you, Euphemia. Nor can I. You are the very heart of the Six, and it is the duty of the Lucian line to protect the Crystal and its Angel. And so..." He opened his hand to reveal a thin, silver ring, with nothing more than a small, circular, violet stone. "This belongs to you."

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