Chapter XXV

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Nearly a week passed since Euphemia's rescue, and yet, the young Angel hadn't opened her eyes, nor moved a muscle. Prompto on the other hand, had found the ability to walk again, and seemed to recover quickly. Rather than see his lover, however, he avoided her at all costs. Most days, he sat on the roof of the cabin, staring out into the ocean. He hadn't spoken to anyone, not even his best friend.

The group, however, didn't focus on Prompto, for he was now alive and well. They spent most of their time caring for their Princess, who had yet to grow responsive to any of them. Throughout the healing process, all she seemed to be able to do was whimper in pain each and every time a bandage was changed, or a wound was cleaned. Noctis remained at her side, devastated and worried sick for her salvation. He watched helplessly as his subordinates came in and out of the room. Each day, Cor brushed her hair and wiped her clean. Iris changed her feeding tubes regularly, along with the bag and bucket that collected all that left her body. Iris, being the only female present other than Monica, grew responsible for taking care of Euphemia's more private areas. Noctis recalled the days when Iris would come and go from the Citadel after a long swimming session with the Princess. He never expected Iris to be waiting on her best friend hand and foot, and yet, she seemed to have no qualms about it.

According to Monica, her wounds were refusing to fully heal. Although her wings now remained healed and scarred, the wounds on her back were not improving. The damage her delicate, divine, skin suffered as a result of the brutal whipping seemed to be irreversible, as if her body was refusing to fight the infection and pain within. Cor was growing concerned with this very same issue. The Angel, by nature, had an incredible capacity to heal herself the moment she found herself out of danger, and yet, Euphemia failed to even stir in her rest.

"What could it be, Cor?" Noctis pinched the bridge of his nose, his other hand firmly gripped around Euphemia's.

"Poor kid's exhausted. From what I can tell about her injuries, she must have not slept very much at all." Cor sat down on the side of the bed, peering down at the Princess's bare back. She rested peacefully, despite it all. Her arms remained beside her head, the latter turned over the side to allow her to breathe comfortably. Cor lifted a sterilized cloth into Noctis's view, then placed it over one of her wounds. She hissed in pain and began to cry softly. Noctis squeezed her hand tighter, and placed his other hand on her head, stroking her blonde hair gently. "All she responds to is her pain..." Cor sighed. "Chances are it's just about the only thing she's been doing in the month she was gone."

"Prompto's the only one who knows exactly what happened." Noctis shook his head. "But he won't talk to any of us. He avoids us like the plague."

"You have to get it out of him, Noct. For her sake. We have to know what happened." Cor leaned forward.

"I can't push him to talk about this." Noctis scoffed. "He saw everything."

"All the more reason to pull the information out."

"My sister is laying on this bed, dying!" Noctis stood up sharply. "My best friend is lost in his own trauma! Do you seriously think I want to hear every detail about what happened in that place?!" He pointed to his own chest. "I put both of them in there! This was my fault, and I can't face them!"

Cor sat in front of Noctis, simply staring into his eyes, as if he was waiting for a child to finish his tantrum. The moment Noctis silenced himself, Cor took a breath to speak. "This is your sister... Noct. And he's your best friend. What is it? You're afraid they're going to hold it against you? That's foolish."

"Get out..." Noctis turned around and clenched his fists, the curtains in the window being his only focus. "Leave us alone." He listened as Cor stood up and left, slamming the door behind him. Immediately, Noctis covered his eyes in fear. He turned around and sat on one side of the bed. Slowly, he caressed his sister's head. Still, there was no fever. It was as if Ardyn had taken her illness away from her, along with her spirit. "Mia..." Noctis wept. "You have to wake up for me, okay?" He whispered. "Everything's falling apart. Everything... We need you here." Noctis lowered his head in sorrow as. He was beginning to realize the very glue that held his family and friends together may never awaken from her traumas. He couldn't bear the thought, nor could he stand to look at her any longer. In spite of that, he refused to leave her side. He would sit beside her for years if he had to, for he couldn't bear to be away from her as she suffered. "Please..." he lowered his head onto the pillow beside her head. "Wake up..."

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