Chapter XII

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Mia... Mia, look at me.

Prompto grunted ferociously, just beside her ears. Within moments, his voice grew further and further away. "Don't you dare lay a hand on her! Don't touch her! Please! Leave her!"

Mia, I'm right here.

I'm right here. You're okay.

"Hey." Noctis nudged his sister roughly. "Wake up. We're here."

Euphemia inhaled sharply. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. Just up a long path, she spotted a house, seemingly worn down. The paint was actively chipping, and the roof appeared to be missing shingles in different places. However, she spotted a flashing light from a television through several of the windows. The lights were on within the dwelling, and it appeared to be quite cozy within. She flinched at a tap on her shoulder. She looked up to see a familiar face. "Cor!" She smiled brightly. She hopped out of the convertible and wrapped her arms and legs around him.

"Hey, sweetheart." Cor grasped the back of her head gently as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'm so glad you're here." She whispered. "I need to talk to you."

Cor placed the young girl down. "Let's head in." He looked over toward the boys, who watched the reunion with their bags on their backs. Gladiolus held Euphemia's backpack at the front of his body. Jinora sat happily beside him, awaiting her master. "Boys! Get on in and get settled. The five of you are sharing a room." He turned toward Euphemia. "Even you. Iris has your room. But soon enough, this house will be a safe haven for all of you."

Euphemia nodded gently. "She can have my room. She's been through a lot."

Cor placed a hand on the Princess's shoulder. Gently, he guided her toward the house. "Do you want to tell everyone what you needed to tell me?"

"I haven't told the guys... I don't want to worry them." Euphemia whispered.

"You should. They care too much about you. You can't hide what's going on from them." Cor nodded in reassurance. "Okay? I'll get them all seated once they've settled down."


It took nearly an hour for the exhausted group to shower, find their sleeping spots, and get ready for bed. Euphemia had just gotten Jinora fully brushed when a knock sounded at the door. Cor appeared as it swung open gently. "Let's talk, you guys." He sat down at a nearby coffee table. Each of the men sat down. Euphemia remained in her spot on the bed, sitting with her legs crossed underneath each other. Slowly, her wings wrapped around her frail, delicate body as she grew nervous to speak to her guardians. "I got a call from Noct about Euphemia. He told me she was in some sort of state early in the morning. Does anyone care to explain that in detail?" He folded his hands on his knee.

Ignis pushed his glasses farther up on his nose and looked toward Euphemia. "Noct found her in the morning. She was cold as ice, barely breathing, and completely unresponsive. On a more terrifying note... Her eyes turned white."

"She woke up in a complete panic. I've never seen her so terrified." Gladiolus rested his chin on his fist as he eyed Euphemia carefully.

Euphemia grimaced as she listened to them talk about her as if she wasn't in the room. She sat up and spread her wings. "I saw Ardyn." She blurted out. Now having all of the attention on her, she panicked, and looked down. "Somehow... he pulled me out of my body, and put me into this realm he created. It's either that, or... he got inside my head."

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