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"For centuries, the sacred magic of the divine crystal blessed our world and its people. But in time, the promise of its power brought war to our lands. Lucis, a peaceful kingdom of great magic kept safe by the power of the crystal. And Niflheim, a military empire of vast machinery made strong by the might of its Magitek.

Long has war raged between the two.

As the years passed, Niflheim marched on nearby nations, driven by its unsurpassed technology. To defend itself, Lucis raised a magical wall, the strength of which comes from the crystal itself. Insomnia alone, the Crown City and last bastion of Lucian defense remained beyond Niflheim reach for many years.

Amid the escalating war, Prince Noctis of Lucis would come to Tenebrae to seek healing from a grievous injury. He made the long journey together with his father, King Regis, and sister, Princess Euphemia.

Mother, brother, and I, the royalty of Tenebrae had all welcomed their visit.

It was then that the fires came. Everywhere and all at once. In a mere instant, the Hall of Tenebrae was ablaze.

The Niflheim attack was an attempt on the lives of visiting Lucian royalty. From that day until this day, Tenebrae has been gripped in the iron fist of Niflheim.

Sworn enemy of Lucis."

~ Lunafreya Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV

"The fever, Regis... She has it." The young Queen, Aulea, whispered in her husband's direction. "Is she...?" She cradled her child gently, her hand resting on her febrile forehead.

"So... the Council's suspicions are confirmed then..." King Regis stepped toward the large window of the Princess's nursery. "She's the one. And Noctis... He's the chosen." He lowered his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Our children, Aulea..." he turned around toward her. "They've been made to suffer."

"Regis..." Aulea's eyes filled with tears, however, the moment between the King and Queen was cut short by an explosion that shook the room. Aulea spun around toward the door. "What was that?"

King Regis turned toward the window and peered up at the sky. The wall had fallen, and imperial dreadnoughts now flooded the sky. "The empire. They've come for the children." Regis grasped his wife's arms tightly, and looked into her eyes. "Stay with Euphemia. I'll find Noctis, and have the Crownsguard bring him her. Lock the doors, and do not leave until you hear from Clarus or myself, do you understand?"

"Yes, but—"

"I'll be back, Lea. I promise you." He leaned over and kissed her on the lips. He rushed toward the door and out into the hallway. "All of you! We're under attack! Find my son and take him to the nursery, now!"

Now alone and afraid, Aulea stepped backward, away from the windows and doors. She held onto the sleeping child tightly, afraid to let her back into her crib, and even more fearful of who would soon come after her. She startled at the sound of the nursery doors banging. Stepping backward, Aulea reached for the only weapon she could find, an iron from the fireplace. "Who's there?" She called nervously. There was no answer, for the doors soon came crashing down, revealing a tall, coated figure, standing above two deceased Crownsguards. Aulea's eyes widened. "Izunia..."

"Ah, so you recognized me." the man stepped inside the nursery, his eyes fixed on the child in the Queen's arms. "Ardyn Izunia..." He bowed down. "At your service, Queen Aulea."

"What do you want?" She hissed. "Where is my husband?!"

"Oh, off fighting my little diversion somewhere." Ardyn raised his arm toward the window. He chuckled. "Do you know just what that child in your arms is?" He stepped towards her, causing her to stumble backwards. "She's a descendant of the Crystal itself. She was born from it, my dear."

Jewel of Lucis | FFXV Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt