Chapter VII

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Euphemia lifted her head from the pillow slowly. Her vision, although blurry, revealed an empty hotel room. Swiftly, she uncovered herself, made the bed to the best of her ability, and ran to the bathroom. She'd never showered and readied herself so quickly in her life. The fear of being left behind in a strange, new, place was terrifying to her. She couldn't help but find anger in the situation. She was sure the men hadn't left her, however, they seemed to lack the decency to awaken her before they left. She dressed herself in her normal Princess Fatigues, consisting of a long, black sweater dress, thigh high boots, and a ponytail. She rushed back out of the bathroom, phone in hand. As she dialed her brother's number, she spotted a familiar blonde head on the balcony, facing away from her. "P, what's going on? Where is everyone? Did you leave me here sleeping?"

Prompto spun around, a bright smile plastered on his face. "Relax, Mia. The guys went off to see the sights, and well... Your brother is on a date with Iris." He chuckled. "I stayed behind. Didn't want you to wake up all confused, which you obviously did. You look like you've seen a ghost!"

"I'm hungry, and I thought you all left me here!" Mia hissed. "And what is this date? Noct's engaged!"

"Easy, easy." Prompto jeered. "Let the guy live. Besides, Iris is the only one who thinks it's a date." He strolled over to the door and opened it, proceeding to stand in the doorway expectantly. "Wanna go get some breakfast?"

Mia couldn't help but smile and nod, her stomach replying before she could. "That sounds nice." She folded her hands in front of her and followed Prompto out of the room.

"Good morning, Princess Euphemia." The doorman bowed his head as the two trekked down the long stairway.

"Good morning." She nodded in return as she went along on her way.

As Prompto and Euphemia, walked down toward the food market, everyone seemed to acknowledge the young princess, either with a bowed head, or a friendly wave. Euphemia couldn't help but grimace each and every time another person bowed down to her. It didn't feel quite right, for it had been nearly three years since she'd been surrounded by people. "The people here are so nice. Everyone greets you." Euphemia turned a corner toward the food stands.

"You draw more attention here than you do at home." Prompto shrugged. "That's for sure."

"Well..." Mia strolled calmly alongside her dog. "No one's ever really seen the Princess of Lucis. It must be quite a show." She eyed those who stared in her direction as she walked along the market street.

Prompto briefly veered off toward a pastry stand to purchase the two a meal. He left Euphemia at the corner, standing awkwardly to avoid any human contact. Jinora blocked Euphemia with her massive, furry body, and growled at anyone who came near. Euphemia encouraged this, for she feared drawing too much attention would soon attract the Empire. She had no intentions of bringing down yet another city for the sake of a simple vacation. Soon enough, Prompto returned with her favorite kind of pastry, one filled with strawberry jam and cream. It was accompanied by an iced drink. "Here you go!" Prompto handed her meal off to her, a silly smile stretching from ear to ear. "I remembered you can't have hot coffee." Along with his own food, he held a paper bag in his hand, containing breakfast meat for Jinora to snack on.

Euphemia winked. "You're learning."

"Well, yeah. Cor asked me to take care of you, since Noct needs his advisor, and his bodyguard more than anything." He beamed proudly.

"Wait, what? I thought he was going to ask Ignis." Euphemia blinked in confusion.

"Noct is your primary protector, but he asked me specifically, in case Noct can't. Maybe because I don't draw as much attention as the rest of you." He shrugged. "I'm not royalty. I'm just your average Joe."

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