The Eldest Son

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Marion led me to the sgtudy where my new boss, John, was waiting for me. "Hello," I said quietly as I stepped in to the room to meet John Styles. 

"Hi, I'm Daisy." I said as i walked over to me new boss, holding his baby, Arlo. 

"Lovely to officially meet you Daisy, thanks so much for offering your services. Now I know you're sort of just being dumped in to the mix here, but I am desperate." He said as he stood up to shake my hand. He ruffled Arlo's hair and then sat down back in his office chair, and motions for me to take a seat on the other side of the desk. "I take it Marion let you know how many children I have?" He asks. 

"Oh yes, I get the feeling she found it quite amusing how far my jaw dropped when she told me." I smiled back at my new boss, he was much nicer when he wasn't yelling at receptionists. 

"Yeah it can be a bit overwhelming sometimes. But the elder two will help you out if you need it. Now there's a few things to go over, I mean we didn't exactly have the longest interview in the world. So I have a few questions." He said and paused to look down at the paper on his desk. "Now first off, may I have your last name? Date of birth and address?" 

I spewed out my details and John scribbled them down on a notepad. I gave him my phone number, my e-mail address and a few phones numbers as referenences. "Now tell me about your experience." He said. 

"Well I've always liked children, I don't have any formal experience, but my family is big and I'm the third eldest so I gained most of my experience from looking after my little brothers and sisters. I babysat all the time when I was younger as well, so I guess I do have some experience, just no qualifications so to speak." I told him nervously, whatt if I wasn'y what he was looking for? I had literally paked up all my belongings in to a suitcase, thinking that the job was mine, but what if it wasn't? 

"Well, Arlo seems to like you. And I know Harry will like you, so the job is yours. If you think you can handle a persistent twenty two year old?" John cocked an eyebrow at me and I laughed loudly. 

"I think I can handle it." I smiled back, concerned that this Harry was persistent and that his dad had actually brought it up. 

"Great!" He stood up. "So I'll show you around and introduce you to the kids and then we can discuss payment." He said and I followed suit and followed him out of the study and in to the hallway. He walked towards the end of the hallway away from the staircase and point out the children's rooms. 

"This is the play room, well the upstairs play room, I've been trying to keep them up here so I can work, the play room down stairs is a lot bigger." He explains as he opens the door and two little children as laying on the floor putting together a giant floor puzzle. "That's Evie." He says as he points to a little girl with stunning blue eyes and light brown hair with little curls at the end, just like Arlo. "And that's Ollie. Kid's come and say hello to your new nanny." John said and te kids looked up and smiled brightly at him. 

"This is Daisy, she's going to be your new nanny." He said again as he crouched down to their level. 

"Like the flower?" Ollie tilted his head to the side and smiled up at me. 

"Exactly like the the flower." I smiled back and crouched down next to my new boss to look at Ollie. Blonde hair, green eyes and pale skin, he was just stunning. 

"You're so pretty." He giggled and reached out to touch my hair. 

"Thank you." 

"HI!" I looked next to Ollie and his little sister Evie was standing just behind him, grinning at me. I laughed softly, I knew that I was going to be a complete push over when it came to this kids. Too cute. 

"Keep playing guys, I'll send Daisy up to get you when we're done." John said and we stood up again and comtinued through the house, I saw the kitchen, the other living room and the downstairs play room and finally we came to another set of stairs, but this time down to the basement. "Your bedroom is down here with the other boys. Harry will probably keep to himself until he see's what you're like with the kids. Don't let him get under your skin, ok? He doesn't realise how hard it is to find a good nanny, and I think you're going to be great." He said as we walked down the stairs in to the large basement area that had three large bedrooms. One belonged to fifteen year old Josh, one to twenty two year old Harry. I met both boys before John dragged me away to show me my room. It was a large room with cream colored walls. It was quite a simple room with a double bed, a baby change table and a bed for Arlo, a desk with a computer on top of it and a television bolted to the wall with a shelf of DVD's in the corner. There was a walk in wardrobe and also a bathroom connected to the bedroom. 

This was way too good to be true! Even if the pay was crap, I was still in a better financial position that I was in three hours ago because I didn't have to pay rent and I had a roof over my head until I decided that I didn't need it anymore. 

As we walked back up to stairs to the ground level I felt lik someone was watching me, so naturally I turned around and saw the green eyed twenty two year staring at me from the corner of his door with a filthy smirk on his face. I was slightly shocked but not shocken enough to not respond. I cocked an eyebrow at him quickly as we climbed the stairs, this was going to be an interesting job. 

After we finished the tour we went back to John's office and we went over the details of the job, there was a detailed routine for the little ones and a timetable for all of Josh's extracurricular activities and sports days. A list of the foods that the kids like and things that they were and weren't allowed to do inside and outside, in case they tried to talk me in to something they knew they weren't allowed to do. John was very specific on they way that he wanted to parent, he was firm but loving and that was something that I would need to get used to if I was going to get anywhere in this job. 

"Now don't let Harry force you in to hanging out with him, he's a persistent little shit. Call me if you have any problems with him, and I'll sort him out for you. Now this is a credit card for groceries and anything that you might need in your first week. It's two weeks on and one week off, if you're happy with that?" He said as he looked up from his desk and handed me a credit card with his name on it with the piece of paper attached with the pin details. 

"Oh yes, I'm just grateful for the oppotunity Mr. Styles." I said with a big smile. 

"Please, call me John." He chuckled. 

"Thank you, John." I smiled again. 

"Now that we've got all of that out of the way, why don't you write down all your bank details and I'll set up the payment of your wages." He said and then passed me a piece of paper to write down my bank details. 

"I don't mean to sound rude, John. But how much is the pay?" I asked curiously.

"That's not rude at all Daisy, the pay is quite generous but I do understand that I'm taking you away from your family and your friends for a good amount of time. I expect a great service for the price that I'm paying you." He said mysteriously as the butterflies I felt at the front gate not even an hour ago returned. "It's three thousand pounds per week. I like to think that that is more than enough reimbursement for what I am asking." He said. 

My jaw dropped about for the second time since I had been there! That was a ridiculous amount of money for the job I was about to start. I pride myself on being a very organised person, so this should be a piece of cake. "That is veru generous!" I say when I pick my jaw up off the ground. Three weeks of work and I would have made nine thousand pounds, more than enough to buy a second hand car to get me around. 

"Excellent, I'm glad you're happy. Why don't you take some time to settle in and unpack your bags and then we'll get you started. Marion will be around to tell you on week days and if you ever need help wrangling them when she's not here, Josh and Harry will help." He smiles and stands up again as I shake him hand. Arlo still sitting on my lap. 

"Thank you so much, John! This means everything to me." I tell him as I hand him his baby and head down to my brand new, almost as big as the flat I used to live in, bedroom to unpack my things and get settled in before getting ready to start later on.  


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