Chater 22

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Ash's POV

Me and Chris step out of the vehicle at a secret location and walked up to headquarters. When we got up to the front doors he held my hand.

"Are you ready?" Chris asks and I nod.

We step inside and head to my moms office.

"Mom?" My voice comes out a little shaky.

"Yes, why are you here Ashlyn? You should be working on your mission. I don't have time to talk right now. I need to focus and you do too." She glares at me and Chris's hand that are together. "What is this?"


"I raised you stronger then this. You have no time for distractions like a boyfriend." I mask my sadden face with a non-expression one instead. "Focus Ashlyn. You need to take down Mr. Peterson. Just think about dad."

"Yes, thank you ma'am." Then I leave the office without another word or glance at my mom or Chris. I just go to Mr. Cass my trainers office and we both go to one of the empty rooms and start to train.

Training is how I get my mind off of things.

(A/n: aww look at that. Ashlyn's building up walls. What do you guys think is happening next? Or right now to Ash?

Sry for this update being short and it taking a long time since I updated


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