'Yeah... Jai uncle was angry on him for his fight with some guy in the college... ' Deepika said

'I am partly responsible for that...!' Ananya said looking away

'What...! How...?!' Deepika got curious  now

'Okay... You have to promise that you wont interrupt in between, and you cannot share this with anyone... Not even Ved Bhai... ' Ananya warns

'Why will I say anything to him...?' Deepika says

'Oooo... Please who are you kidding, we know you become a chattering monkey in front of Ved bhai, and who knows when you'll spill this in front of him... ' Ananya said sarcastically

'Yeah okay... I Promise I won't share it with anyone, even Ved... ' Deepika pinches her throat and Ananya chuckles

'Okay... So here it goes... I saw Aayan after a long time when I was 15 and he was 17, I guess.... ' Ananya began

'But that day you said that you haven't seen him since Ved left for boarding school....' Deepika intervenes

'I lied... Now shut up and listen...' Ananya scolds her and Deepika frowns

'Yeah so... When Bhai and Aayan returned from the boarding school, The moment I saw him getting out of the car, I immediately got a crush on him... ' Ananya smiled

'Awww....' Deepika cooed and Ananya glared at her...
She covered her mouth with her hands and signalled Ananya to continue..

'But he hardly interacted with anyone and always avoided talking to me... Maybe he thought that I was a spoiled brat... ' Ananya chuckled and Deepika wanted to say something but Ananya gave her a warning look...

'So when I got the hint that he doesn't want to talk to me, I... I decided that I won't bother him, but I always had this stupid urge to talk to him, but ended up irritating him and we always got into a fight... No conversations...' She chuckled and Deepika smiled too

'Ved Bhai and Aayan always kept their distance with me... And yeah... I think that was also right, because I was younger and they were grown ups... ' She sighed

'But I would always watch Aayan drive past my house everyday, at 9:30 in the morning and return around 5:30 in the evening... I was so stupid that I actually waited in my balcony to just have a glance of him...I enjoyed that time...' Ananya said, tears filling her eyes and Deepika looks at her sympathetically

'You see that road...? *Points at the road leading to the park... * My brothers and Aayan did skateboarding there every Friday and Saturday, and on Sunday's they played cricket in the park... ' she smiled

'And you watched them from here...? To see Aayan...?' Deepika asked

'You know how teenagers do crazy things for their crushes... ' Ananya chuckled and Deepika smiled

'But you seem to dislike Aayan so much now, what happened...?' Deepika asked

Ananya's smile faded... 'Realization happened... ' She said frowning

7 years ago...
Valentine's Day...

Ananya decided to confess her feelings to Aayan today..

She was in his house, helping Jai in organising his study room, simultaneously waiting for Aayan...

They were keeping his books and files in order...

Ananya loved to organise book shelves, and she was responsible for taking care of Jai and Arjun's study, since she is was 13...

They were done arranging his books and half of the files...

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