"I can't wait to see you" Ian said over the phone

"Me too, I miss you do much"

"I miss you too babe"

"I have to go get ready, I see you later"

"I can't wait" he said and I ended the call.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower and i scrubbed myself with my strawberry scented body wash. After the shower, I apply my makeup which consisted of mascara and eyeliner and red lipstick to go with my dress, I straighten my hair and left it down. I put on my dress that was lying on the bed. Ian bought it for me because he felt like it and he has a gut feeling that i will look sexy in it. The man has been spoiling me rotten since we started dating. The dress is long and red in colour, it hugs and shapes my curves in all the right places. The sleeves are long and it exposes my shoulders. I sprayed myself with my vanilla perfume and I put on my black pair of hills and headed downstairs.

Christian was downstairs waiting for me, he looked so cute in his little tuxedo and his hair was neatly pushed back. He looked so handsome and cute.

"Hey my baby"

"Hi mommy, you look really beautiful."

"Thank you baby, you look very handsome" I said kissing his face, resulting in him laughing.

I looked at the time on my phone and it read 18:20pm. Lillian came into the kitchen with a smile on her face.

"You look beautiful honey"she said giving me a hug.

"Thank you" I say with a smile.

"And look at you little man, you look handsome my boy" she said to Christian to which he turn red from the compliment. I chuckled at his reaction. I got my purse and phone off the counter.

"Okay baby we have to go"

"Bye auntie Lillian" he said giving her a kiss on her cheek and hugging her.

"Bye my handsome prince, be a good boy for mommy okay?"

"Don't worry,I will" he said and went to the car.

"Enjoy yourself honey" she said

"I will, I'll see you later" I said and left the house.


Christian and I walk into the room hand in hand. The place was beautiful and elegantly decorated. All the men were dressed in tuxedos and all the women were in beautiful dresses. On the far corner to the right, there was an orchestra, playing a beautiful melody.

I spotted Amber amongst the crowd. She was wearing a long navey blue dress that shaped her curves and was lace at the back. Her hair was straightened and let loose. To top of the look she wore black hills. There was no way in hell that you could miss the baby bump. When Grey got back from his trip, she told him about the pregnancy, saying he was excited would an understatement, he was over the moon. She's now five months pregnant and looks beautiful.

"Hey gorgeous" Amber said

"Hey beautiful" I said while hugging her.

"Look at you Christian, you look so handsome" Amber said as she hugged Christian.

"You look beautiful, just like my mommy" he said and kissed her cheek.

Soon after, the whole family arrived. Kristen, Jayden and Liam came too. We were laughing and chatting together. It was around 19:00pm when Ian called me, I excused myself from the table to take the call.

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