Chapter 14

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~In which Viktoria Schmidt reveals her family's story of their lives in Berlin,and their lives in Germany in general.~

I looked at my wall. There was a poster that said "Ich liebe Berlin. Ich liebe Deutschland."(I love Berlin. I love Germany). My ancestors came to Berlin in 1045. Their lives were forever changed by this city as it grew from a medieval village looking like one in France and England to now. They moved from a town around what is now Frankfurt,Germany to Berlin,Germany.

Diana Carter said she can trace her lineage back to England,Wales, Scotland,and Ireland and some parts of Scandinavia. Diana told me that she loved Berlin over Paris.

"People always say Paris is every girl's dream and it is a city for lovers,but Berlin is my dream and I will find myself a German lover.",Diana said

To be truthful,I never understood the obsession over Paris. There were beautiful cities around Europe besides Paris and London:Madrid,Lisbon, Brussels,Amsterdam,Rome,Berlin, Vienna,Prague,Moscow,Copenhagen, and Budapest.

I am not saying there is anything wrong with London and Paris,I'm just saying you should give other European capital cities a shot. Now I've only been to Berlin,Prague,London,Madrid,and Copenhagen.

I look outside to the city streets lit up and Germans and tourists heading into the night clubs.

My phone is now going off.

"Mrs.Schmidt.",Hans said in an old American accent

"What Hans.",I said

"We have been invited to a ball. A fancy ball.",Hans said

"I know Hans. A ball means it's fancy.",I said

"Gut. Just checking in so you and Diana know.",Hans said

"Is there a theme?",I asked

"Well fancy gown.".Hans said

"Gute Nacht Hans.",I said

"Tschüss Viktoria.",Hans said

  I hung up and told Diana. The local dressmaker Mrs.Achterberg loaned us a dress.

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